I've got some Junit tests that compare large blocks of JSON using a framework called JsonUnit.
When there is a failure in the test, it's typically just a few lines in a 1000+ line JSON. The JsonUnit framework will give me the exact sections of the JSON that are failing like this:
but: JSON documents are different:
Different value found in node "sent[0].acknowledgedTime", expected <"09:56:22.216213"> but was .
Different value found in node "sent[0].reopeningNumber", expected <"RA"> but was <"RU">.
Different value found in node "sent[0].sentTime", expected <"09:55:42.776926"> but was <"09:55:53.901321">.
Different value found in node "sent[0].value", expected <1.0E+8> but was <2.0E+10>.
Different value found in node "sent[0].volume", expected <10000> but was <30000>.
I also have large 1000+ line CSVs that I want to compare in a Junit test. If there is a failure, I want it to give me the exact line(s) that failed. Is there a framework out there for CSVs like the JsonUnit?