I have a RPi 3b+ and need a fast GUI Git client (mainly for Python programming) to work with repositories on GitHub for my RPi.
I don't need many features, just that it should be able to commit and push to GitHub.
I am running Raspbian Buster. Are there any options?
Welcome to Software Recommendations! We will need much more information to give good recommendations here. Please take a look at What is required for a question to contain "enough information"? Then please edit your question and see if you can incorporate some of these improvements. Especially missing: What features do you need? What OS should it work on (there are multiple OS choices for the Raspi)? Must it be gratis, or how much would you spend if it came to a paid solution?– IzzyCommented Mar 12, 2020 at 23:07
PS: List questions are no good fit for Q&A sites, and hence are considered off-topic – so please be a bit more specific ;)– IzzyCommented Mar 12, 2020 at 23:08
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1 Answer
Enthusiasts have created a fork of GitHub Desktop for Linux, the project is at the release candidate stage.
You can install GitKraken if you enable snap support.