I need a portable OS-agnostic Mindmap software that supports python API, I want to be able to change the nodes, add text or images programmatically via python.

1 Answer 1


XMind is very good and has a python API but it is not platform agnostic other than the Cloud version which is currently only available with the pro-subscription.

However Leo is an outline based IDE, Editor, PIM, etc. so not quite what you are looking for.

It is:

  • Free, Gratis & Open Source.
  • Supports python scripts, (not too surprising given that it is written in python)!
  • Can be installed into and run from a portable installation using WinPython by starting the WinPython command prompt and typing: pip install leo - tested
  • Should be able to be run from the USB on Linux & OS-X as it is pure python but it may depend on QT being installed sorry unable to test..

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