CryptKeeper (Linux) creates an encrypted folder on a drive, then mounts it when you need it. Decrypting on the fly when click to view a file or drag one out of the mounted drive.

Is there a software that does the same thing on Mac OS X?

Retyping a password everytime you want to view an individual file really stinks, or have to wait to decrypt and entire directory just to view one file stinks also. I would love to hear that here is a port or a fork of cryptkeeper in OS X.

  • 1
    Regular encrypted .dmg no good?
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Sep 12, 2016 at 6:03
  • DId not realize there existed such an animal. Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 0:19
  • support.apple.com/HT201599 You can make 'regular' or 'sparse', which will resize; save the password in keychain for auto-open, or not.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 6:14
  • Yeah, what I was looking for was the encrypted sparse image. A guy has got to keep his porn collection away from prying eyes. Now that my kids are old enough to begin to use a computer, I don't want them to run into stuff by mistake through spotlight searches and stuff. Commented Oct 22, 2016 at 17:22
  • Ha ha ha - you can, btw, hide folders from Spotlight ... but I guess that would be a different question. Lemme throw some of that into an answer, just for the sake of completeness...
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Oct 22, 2016 at 17:41

1 Answer 1


There's Apple's own Encrypted Disk Image format, in fixed & variable sizes [grow/shrink to fit, sparseimage]

Blatantly lifted Borrowed from
Apple KB: How to create a password-protected (encrypted) disk image

The KB is actually out of date as of El Capitan & the new Disk Utility layout, but
File > New Image > Blank Image [or Image from Folder]
will do just the job, the New Image icon has gone.

How to create a password-protected (encrypted) disk image

Learn how to use Disk Utility to create an encrypted disk image.

An encrypted disk image works just like a regular disk image but requires a password to open and become available ("mount"). You can move files to or from an encrypted disk image as easily as you can from a non-encrypted disk image. Follow these steps to create an encrypted disk image:

  1. Open Disk Utility (located in /Applications/Utilities/).
  2. Click the New Image button, or choose File > New > Blank Disk Image.

enter image description here

  1. Type a name in the Save As field. This name will be used for the disk image (.dmg) file.
  2. Change the save destination if you wish.
  3. Select a size for the disk image file from the Size pop-up menu.
  4. Choose a different volume format if you don't want to use the default Mac OS X Extended (Journaled).
  5. Choose an image format. You can use "sparse disk image" for a disk image that only uses as much space as it needs, rather than a set amount of space. If you're not sure, use "read/write disk image" choice.
  6. Choose 128-bit AES encryption (and/or 256-bit AES in Mac OS X v10.5 or later) from the Encryption pop-up menu to encrypt the image's contents with a password. 1. If you don't choose an encryption, your new image won't be encrypted.
  7. Click the Create button.
  8. Enter and verify a good password in the dialog window that appears. This password will be saved in your keychain by default, or you can deselect "Remember password (add to keychain)" if you don't want it saved. You can store the password in the keychain for convenience.
  9. Click OK.

Important: If you forget the password, data stored in the encrypted disk image cannot be retrieved. If you have saved the password in the keychain, the password will be available to you there.

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