tree command on Linux generates visual hierarchy of files and directories, for instance:

/var/log % tree
+-- anaconda.ifcfg.log
+-- anaconda.yum.log
+-- audit
+-- boot.log
+-- btmp
+-- ConsoleKit
¦   +-- history
+-- cron
+-- cron-20151227.gz
+-- dmesg
+-- httpd
¦   +-- access_log
¦   +-- access_log-20150329.gz
¦   +-- access_log-20150405
¦   +-- error_log
¦   +-- error_log-20150329.gz
¦   +-- error_log-20150405.gz
¦   +-- error_log-20150412.gz
¦   +-- error_log-20150419
+-- iptables.log
+-- jenkins
¦   +-- jenkins.log
+-- lastlog
+-- maillog

Is there any library for Python that would do something like that, but that would render (decent) HTML?

  • subprocess.call(['tree', '-d', '/path/to/directory']) Commented Jan 25, 2017 at 3:34

1 Answer 1


This Stack Overflow questions accepted answer uses the Flask Library and Jinja2 to do exactly what you are asking for using html tables - you could play with the template to get something better looking by setting borders, etc.


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