I am looking for a specific graphing software that can take in values for X axis and Y axis and then output a best fit curve.
By using Excel 2010, I am able to output this nice curve:
However, I want the points to be connected by a curve like this:
Are there any graphing softwares out there, free or paid (as long as they have free trial or free demo), that will allow me to get a best fit curve like in the 2nd picture not like the 1st one without manually inputting the equation to plot the curve?
I have tried using Graph 4.4.2, Geogebra, Graphical Analysis and TI-Nspire student software but I couldn't quite get the curve I want. Maybe I am not doing the right way?
(it.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/interp1.html). You can choose the properties of the lines to get the best result.