I'm currently tasked with doing some C++/CUDA development on a remote Linux machine from another Linux machine, connected via ssh. I've primarily been using Windows which makes things difficult (terminal is still a scary black box for me). Previously I was using X2go from a Windows machine, so I had a graphical user interface and everything was fine, but now I feel totally lost.
Specifically, I was looking for some IDE that supports custom CMakeLists projects, but if there are different methods and tools I'm eager to learn them. My main problem is that I don't even know what tools I should learn. Also I'm a little afraid of using more powerful tools because I don't have much confidence in my being able to properly configure them.
It would be nice if you could tell me what kind of tools you are using for this kind of task and why (and maybe why you would recommend it specifically for someone with my background).
Originally from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27112554/what-tools-to-use-for-remote-development-c-ubuntu-ssh?noredirect=1#comment42728230_27112554