I'm looking for a package to implement a small online learning environment.

The public are new students at our university who may want some extra classes in mathematical topics. There are two parts:

  • First the student fills out a multiple choice test which measures the current knowledge. Based on the result of the test and the curriculum of the student a suggestion is made which extra classes to take.
  • Then, after each of the classes the student has taken, he or she would be able to exercise: for each exercise that appears the student would be able ask for a hint and to check if the answer is correct.

Extra requirements:

  • Free.
  • Has to support LaTeX to display mathematical equations.
  • An account for each user so they can keep track over their process (this would be nice but is not mandatory).

Do you have any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


Moodle has quizzes and TeX support.

It requires a fair amount of effort to set up, however.

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