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Questions tagged [websocket]

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Is there an open-source API gateway that offers rate limiting for WebSockets?

I have been looking for an open-source API gateway that not only supports WebSockets like the Kong API gateway but also provides frame-based rate limiting for WebSocket requests. After googling for a ...
amirsalah's user avatar
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Alternative to Centrifugo

A high performance websocket server that could handle a lot of connections if possible there's dotnet/Unity client, golang (or any server side language) client, javascript/Web client persist message ...
Kokizzu's user avatar
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Monitor a websocket (Minecraft) connection (not in the browser)

I'm trying to reverse engineer Minecraft BE's web socket API, which is primarily made for education. Minecraft is the client, and I can use any IP address as a server, such as Is there any ...
Finnbar M's user avatar
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Live group text chat website widget (automatic sign-in)

I plan to host webinars via a YouTube Live video that is embedded on a page in my internal Laravel website (where all visitors are already logged in). Below my embedded YouTube Live video, I'd like ...
Ryan's user avatar
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looking for a (free) web hosting service that support flask, sqlite, and socketio

I built a simple web app with flask, socketio, and sqlite. Can anyone recommend a web hosting service that supports all three? I tried Pythonanywhere but they do not support websockets. I also ...
Julian Chu's user avatar