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Need a recommendation on a C++ library for file encryption

What would be a recommended library to use for file encryption in C++? I am looking for a standard up-to-date data encryption. The file-encryption will be based on a password. Searching the web I came ...
PazO's user avatar
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C++ implementation of IEEE 1609.2 standard

I am looking for a C++ implementation of IEEE 1609.2 standard. This standard defines secure message formats and processing for use by Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) devices, ...
Ricla's user avatar
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Recommendation on libraries for Elliptic Curves

I would like to program my cryptographic scheme which uses some computations on elliptic curves. I coded it using sagemath package, which is a python library. It is simple but very slow. I need to ...
satya's user avatar
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Is there a lightweight library that can perform RSA-2048 encryption for an embedded application?

I'm looking for a C/C++ implementation of RSA with a 2048 bit key (preferably read from a file). My target is an embedded platform, so it comes with some odd restrictions. The hardware restricts us ...
HD_Mouse's user avatar
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