I need an Android web browser like Chrome or Firefox but with the following features:

  1. No media (video, audio, images, GIFs, etc)
  2. No downloading of any files (PDFs are fine though)

Important: this needs to be enforceable, meaning I cannot disable it.

  • For you personally or for a kiosk system, e.g. a public surfing terminal?
    – Robert
    Commented Jun 13 at 13:55
  • @Robert for myself.
    – KnockoutKiss
    Commented Jun 13 at 13:58

1 Answer 1


Lynx is a text based web browser that presents pages withing a text based terminal, without images or media.

It can download any file type, but does not by default show any form of media, like images, sounds or video; though it can be configured to open external programs to do so.

It doesn't entirely fullfil your requirements because it can download any file type, though it doesn't support Javascript, which many modern sites require to work properly.

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