In my project I have a teensy 3.1 reading and decoding NMEA strings coming in from an EM-406 GPS module. That data, after being decoded, is sent over serial through an xbee into my computer where I can then read the data out in my terminal. Now this is all well and good and I am sure some cool projects can be made, but I want to go further.
After the data is coming into my computers serial port, I want to pipe it into my web server so I can have my GPS data interact with the Google maps javascript API. The only issue I am having is figuring out how to get a constant stream of data from my local machine into my server.
I know about rsync and scp and tools like that, but those don't seem like the right fit since (to my knowledge) they work on updating and/or moving files around. In contrast, I need something that will have a consistent open connection that I can freely send data through, like a network serial port (is that a thing and I just answered my own question?).
I am assuming I can use ssh in this situation but I am not sure how to approach that. Does anyone have any suggested reading or an idea that could give me a nudge in the right direction?
command which streams data over a network or between serial and network.