I need to select an OLAP cube viewer to integrate with my company's in-house software (we have a team of devs to do so). It needs to be browser-based and I'd prefer to use one with no plugin/install dependencies such as Flash (JS only on the client side). Open source with a commercial-friendly license would also be preferable, but a low-cost closed source is an option.

Anyone have any good experiences / recommendations?

3 Answers 3


The Syncfusion OlapClient control can be used for browsing Olap cubes.

Syncfusion OlapClient

The whole product is available for free through the community license if you qualify.

Note: I work for Syncfusion.


You need to check 'Kyubit Business Intelliegence' OLAP web based client with great visualizations and analytic features.


enter image description here


Power Bi could be a fit: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/ Can import a wide variety of sources.

Note: I've only used it to import ODATA sources

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