With a bit of a learning curve but a few steps to the installation there is moviepy and Vapory.
- Free gratis & open source
- Cross Platform
- Lots of movie manipulations
- Star Wars like titles & credits example
- Text with moving letters example
- Generate rolling credits from a text file in 2-3 lines of code example
- 3D text effects with Vapory
- Moving Text
- You can rapidly build up a set of templates & effects to use.
Example of scrolling, partially hidden credits:
from moviepy.editor import *
from moviepy.video.tools.credits import credits1
# Load the mountains clip, cut it, slow it down, make it look darker
clip = (VideoFileClip('../../videos/badl-0001.mov', audio=False)
.speedx( 0.4)
.fx( vfx.colorx, 0.7))
# Save the first frame to later make a mask with GIMP (only once)
#~ clip.save_frame('../../credits/mountainMask2.png')
# Load the mountain mask made with GIMP
mountainmask = ImageClip('../../credits/mountainMask2.png',ismask=True)
# Generate the credits from a text file
credits = credits1('../../credits/credits.txt',3*clip.w/4)
scrolling_credits = credits.set_pos(lambda t:('center',-10*t))
# Make the credits scroll. Here, 10 pixels per second
final = CompositeVideoClip([clip,