I'm looking for a Chrome extension that will copy both the URL and title of the current page to the clipboard. It should copy both the title and URL in the form of Rich Text Format. The title is the "Text to display" and the URL is the "Address". Ideally this would happen when you press Ctrl+c without anything selected.
Illustrative example
If you don't understand what I mean, this is an illustrative example of exactly what I need:
Let's consider these parameters:
- Page title: Page 01 Title
- Page link:
Let's consider that I've pressed Ctrl+c without anything selected. And I've went to MS Word and pressed Ctrl+v. The result should be: Page 01 Title. As you see it's a single line Rich Text Format hyperlink with Text to display: Page 01 Title
and Address: http://www.example.com/page01.html