Neither an older version of FF, nor current versions of Chrome or IDM seemed to see the pages as images that could be saved. I tried some of the "cache viewer" utilities, such as those from Nirsoft, with some success, but all the pages did not seem to be consistently retained in the browser cache.
The best I have been able to do is an AutoHotKey script with MS Edge as the browser. It's a bit slow (about 20 ppm) because it has to have some delay for pages loading. Edge does seem to allow the pages to be images that can be saved from the UI that Chrome and FF do not.
"Borrow" the book to be exported in MS Edge.
With the book open, in the lower right switch to "one page view"
Note the total number of pages and be sure you are on page 1
[Or move to the page at which you want to start exporting]
Suggest maximizing the browser
With the mouse pointer over the page image, hit Ctrl+j.
Enter the number of pages to export and click ok/Enter
Navigate to the folder where you want to save the page images, creae a new one if needed
Click Save
At this point the script should start sending keystrokes to export the pages
[Note the script relies on MS Edge being the active window, so the mouse
pointer should remain over the book page image during script execution]
Occasionally a page will not load fast enough (the script allows 1.5 seconds), in that case you will
see a popup menu with "Load image" at the top. Select that, then right-click over the page again
and select "Save image as ...". The script should continue executing with the page it has paused at.
SendMode Input
InputBox, pages, , Number of pages?
if (not ErrorLevel) and (pages is digit)
prompted = FALSE
Loop, %pages%
Click Right
Sleep, 400
Send, v
WinWaitActive, Save As
if prompted = TRUE
Send, {enter}
WinWaitClose, Save As
prompted = TRUE
Sleep, 1000
Send, {right}
Sleep, 1500