I am looking to edit JSON files in bulk / batch. I know I can do this programmatically, or do find/replaces across files, but I am hoping to find a friendlier GUI that allows me to do things across a selection of files like:

  • editing a certain key:
  • adding a key
  • nice to have: seeing stats of the value of a specific key to quickly spot typo's

Is there something available like this for any OS, or as a webapp?

To clarify what I mean, I have included two example json files below:

File 1:

    "title": "Some title",
    "categories": [
        "Category 1",
        "Category 2"
    "specs": [
    "price: {
        "type": "Upper",
        "amount": 5,
    "delivery: {
        "type": "Pickup",
        "amount": 1,

File 2:

    "title": "Some other title",
    "categories": [
        "Category 1",
        "Catergoy 6"
    "specs": [
    "price: {
        "type": "Upper",
        "amount": 6,
    "delivery: {
        "type": "Address",
        "amount": 2,
    "status": sold

I am looking for GUI software that would allow me to e.g.:

  • edit the price.amount key and set it to 10 for all selected files
  • add a key status to all files, choosing whether or not I want to overwrite any existing keys
  • show all values for the key category, such that I can quickly see that there are 3 distinct values of which one has a typo (Categroy 6).

2 Answers 2


Various text editors allow you to open several files at once and do find and replace over several. I use Notepad++. Your question is a little vague. Any software that would allow more then find and replace would be so complex to use that you might as well write a script for it.

Batch replace with Notepad++ is explained in this SO answer.

  • Thanks. Could you perhaps add how I can do the 3 things listed using find and replace? Also, what can I do to make it more concrete? Commented Jun 10, 2023 at 8:49
  • @SaaruLindestøkke what kind of editing do you need to do exaclty? editing a key probably comes done to just find and replace. if you actually want to manipulate the tree and not just add a new line at a certain position, you will need to parse the file anyway. maybe give an example file and what should be the results. Commented Jun 19, 2023 at 14:38
  • 1
    I've added an example, hope that helps clarify what I'm looking for. Commented Jun 19, 2023 at 21:58

Check out Kate (from KDE). The application is cross-platform and very functional. But for mass editing of JSON values, it is probably better to write a simple Python script.

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