I'm looking for a Linux command line util that inputs a merged PDF (between 1mb and 500mb) and outputs an optimized/linearized version. Each and every page uses the same set of ~8 images, and the same font. Running one of my test files through Adobe Acrobat Pro took the file from 34MB to 1.6MB in a matter of about 30 seconds. I'm not really expecting performance like that, but something even half as fast/efficient would be wonderful.
I need it for a batched job running on Linux, which is why it needs a CLI. I've tried pdftk, gs, qpdf, pdftops, and pdfsizeopt. The first 4 are either far too slow or don't fully optimize the pdf files. pdfsizeopt seems promising, but I'm having trouble with consistency -- some of my pdfs will work, others will throw errors.
Any ideas other than what I've already listed? I wouldn't even mind purchasing something if it did the job.