Before during, and even after Web Services implementation, an up-to-date user guide is very important to our customers. I am trying to find an API tool for Restful Web Services which can produce a user-friendly document / user guide in either WORD or PDF format. Is there any suggestions?

Key points include:

  • Documenting APIs
  • Basic information on API (current user guide)
  • How to use APIs
  • Test APIs before implementation

1 Answer 1


Have you tried apidocjs ?

  • Documenting APIs

    Well, it quite easy, because what we need to do is just commenting on our code. This is an example.

     * @api {get} /user/:id Request User information
     * @apiName GetUser
     * @apiGroup User
     * @apiParam {Number} id Users unique ID.
     * @apiSuccess {String} firstname Firstname of the User.
     * @apiSuccess {String} lastname  Lastname of the User.

    Example on Lumen Framework, you can put the comment on Controllers app/Http/Controllers/UserController@create. @ refer to function inside the controller.

    Use this command to generate the doc

    apidoc -i app/Http/Controllers -o public/docs

  • Basic information on API (current user guide)

    Yes, please go to apidocjs example.

  • How to use APIs

    See above example.

  • Test APIs before implementation

    It has an interesting feature, check @apiSampleRequest. But if you mean Test is Unit Testing or Functional Testing, apidocjs not support.

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