I have to develop an offline application with the following functionalities :
- Have a login interface, which meanmeans I have to handle access roles.
- An interface that allow users to add documents with specific meta-data, thosesmetadata. Thoses documents have to stay in the local file Systemsystem, for security raisonsreasons.
- Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters. (Howhow can I analyse, Indexesindex thoses data such PDF, word, etc.).
- Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
- Ensure the Migrationmigration of the data (documents ).
My questions:
- Which architecture will be most usefulluseful (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )?
- Should I use a search engine (ElasticSearch, Solr, luceneLucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB like (MongoDBlike MongoDB)which which will point to my file system that containcontains my documents?
- Should I use HADOOP, since it is an OffLine APPoffline app?
Thanks In advance for your answer.