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What's the best way to index PDF or wordWord document for FullTextfull text search?

I have to develop an offline application with the following functionalities  :

  1. Have a login interface, which meanmeans I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific meta-data, thosesmetadata. Thoses documents have to stay in the local file Systemsystem, for security raisonsreasons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters.  (Howhow can I analyse, Indexesindex thoses data such PDF, word, etc.).
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the Migrationmigration of the data (documents  ).

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most usefulluseful (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )?
  • Should I use a search engine  (ElasticSearch, Solr, luceneLucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB like (MongoDBlike MongoDB)which which will point to my file system that containcontains my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it is an OffLine APPoffline app?

Thanks In advance for your answer.

What's the best way to index PDF or word document for FullText search?

I have to develop an offline application with the following functionalities  :

  1. Have a login interface, which mean I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific meta-data, thoses documents have to stay in the local file System, for security raisons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters.(How can I analyse, Indexes thoses data such PDF, word, etc)
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the Migration of the data (documents  )

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most usefull (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )
  • Should I use search engine(ElasticSearch, Solr, lucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB like (MongoDB)which will point to my file system that contain my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it an OffLine APP?

Thanks In advance for your answer.

What's the best way to index PDF or Word document for full text search?

I have to develop an offline application with the following functionalities:

  1. Have a login interface, which means I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific metadata. Thoses documents have to stay in the local file system, for security reasons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters  (how can I analyse, index thoses data such PDF, word, etc.).
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the migration of the data (documents).

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most useful (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )?
  • Should I use a search engine  (ElasticSearch, Solr, Lucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB (like MongoDB) which will point to my file system that contains my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it is an offline app?
edited body; edited title
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What's the best way to index PDF or Wordword document for full textFullText search?

I have to develop an offline application with the following functionalities  :

  1. Have a login interface, which meansmean I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific metadata. Thosesmeta-data, thoses documents have to stay in the local file systemSystem, for security reasonsraisons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters  .(howHow can I analyse, indexIndexes thoses data such PDF, word, etc.).
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the migrationMigration of the data (documents  ).

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most usefulusefull (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )?
  • Should I use a search engine  (ElasticSearch, Solr, Lucenelucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB like (like MongoDBMongoDB) whichwhich will point to my file system that containscontain my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it is an offline appOffLine APP?

Thanks In advance for your answer.

What's the best way to index PDF or Word document for full text search?

I have to develop an offline application with the following functionalities:

  1. Have a login interface, which means I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific metadata. Thoses documents have to stay in the local file system, for security reasons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters  (how can I analyse, index thoses data such PDF, word, etc.).
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the migration of the data (documents).

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most useful (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )?
  • Should I use a search engine  (ElasticSearch, Solr, Lucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB (like MongoDB) which will point to my file system that contains my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it is an offline app?

What's the best way to index PDF or word document for FullText search?

I have to develop an offline application with the following functionalities  :

  1. Have a login interface, which mean I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific meta-data, thoses documents have to stay in the local file System, for security raisons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters.(How can I analyse, Indexes thoses data such PDF, word, etc)
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the Migration of the data (documents  )

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most usefull (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )
  • Should I use search engine(ElasticSearch, Solr, lucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB like (MongoDB)which will point to my file system that contain my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it an OffLine APP?

Thanks In advance for your answer.

deleted 31 characters in body; edited tags; edited title
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What's the best way to index PDF or wordWord document for FullTextfull text search?

I have to develop an OffLineoffline application with the following functionalities  :

  1. Have a login interface, which meanmeans I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific meta-data, thosesmetadata. Thoses documents have to stay in the local file Systemsystem, for security raisonsreasons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters.  (Howhow can I analyse, Indexesindex thoses data such PDF, word, etc.).
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the Migrationmigration of the data (documents  ).

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most usefulluseful (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )?
  • Should I use a search engine  (ElasticSearch, Solr, luceneLucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB like (MongoDBlike MongoDB)which which will point to my file system that containcontains my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it is an OffLine APPoffline app?

Thanks In advance for your answer.

What's the best way to index PDF or word document for FullText search?

I have to develop an OffLine application with the following functionalities  :

  1. Have a login interface, which mean I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific meta-data, thoses documents have to stay in the local file System, for security raisons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters.(How can I analyse, Indexes thoses data such PDF, word, etc)
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the Migration of the data (documents  )

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most usefull (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )
  • Should I use search engine(ElasticSearch, Solr, lucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB like (MongoDB)which will point to my file system that contain my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it an OffLine APP?

Thanks In advance for your answer.

What's the best way to index PDF or Word document for full text search?

I have to develop an offline application with the following functionalities:

  1. Have a login interface, which means I have to handle access roles.
  2. An interface that allow users to add documents with specific metadata. Thoses documents have to stay in the local file system, for security reasons.
  3. Allow a user to search for a document with specific filters  (how can I analyse, index thoses data such PDF, word, etc.).
  4. Allow the user to copy, past and save the documents.
  5. Ensure the migration of the data (documents).

My questions:

  • Which architecture will be most useful (n-tier MVC web application using Java, with )?
  • Should I use a search engine  (ElasticSearch, Solr, Lucene) since I have thousands of documents, or just a RDBMS (MySQL) or NoSQL DB (like MongoDB) which will point to my file system that contains my documents?
  • Should I use HADOOP, since it is an offline app?
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