voip answering machine to email
create announcement file (wave S16LE, 8ksps); it must be as long as the longest call voicemail should record as call would be disconnected when file would end, thus it should consist of few ...
Splitting an audio file when the speaker pauses
I would suggest using MoviePy and a variation of this 30 lines of code which does the reverse for video files, (detecting high levels of sound to extract and splice video files to get the highlights ...
Call recorder for Samsung J7 Max
i can't guarantee that it works with your phone but i guess your best chances would be with Call Recorder from axet.
it has several cool features:
you can choose the source for recording (Auto, ...
Android :: apps to automatically record all phone and WhatsApp call
Boldbeast for phone conversations works perfectly on certain unrooted phones.
Daily Eight Hours of Audio Recording from my spare computer
You do not mention your operating system. So you can use for example fmedia. It runs on Windows, Linux (possibly MacOS too). AFAIK it do not have limitations for recording. It work via GUI or command ...
Automatic transcription software for phone audio recordings
Modern speech recognition requires loads of resources and powerful GPU servers for best accuracy. If you want to run on the phone the accuracy will not be sufficient, it will not handle noisy calls, ...
Trusted Call Recorder for Android
Call recorder for Android (version 25) from f-droid.org records both your and incoming voices. Works on Android 7.1.2.
How can I use my iphone to take inventory without an internet connection?
There is a free ap through Google Play called EpiCollect. You only need GPS chip in phone, no data or cell. It will take location and you can fill in specifics on a menu you set up ahead of time.
Voice recorder for Android with marker support
From what I can see the app Recordense Voice Recorder meets all of your requirements (except battery usage which I don't know, but with the screen off I doubt it will suck much battery.)
Even let's ...
Good application for changing voice?
I use Cubase which is good but not cheap. There are GNU projects trying the FOSS equivalent of Cubase that you can look at. Then you can get a plugin and many effects. I think that your question might ...
Incoming call center software
I've been working with Voiptimecloud Inbound call centre software for some time,they specialize in developing inbound, outbound and blended software. By the way, inbound software has lots of benefits ...
Android voice recorder that will allow me to save to dropbox
You can do this with the native app, at least you can on the GS5...
Just tap the hamburger icon (the three bars) !
to get to your list of recordings and tap and hold the recording you want to upload.
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