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46 votes

See CPU use history as a graph in a Linux shell

You can use s-tui: free and open source (GNU General Public License v2.0, written in Python) allows to monitor CPU temperature, frequency, power and utilization in a graphical way from the terminal: ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes

Software Access Software

I am sorry, if you have already found a solution to your problem in 1.5 years. But maybe this information will be useful for other users. "10-Strike connection monitor" monitors usage of admin and ...
Dude's user avatar
  • 277
1 vote

Tool to measure system uptime minus locked time from windows logs

Found this great tool, to get all the on/off times.
ya_dimon's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Distributed performance monitor that dynamically uses available Win32_Perf counters

Disclaimer: I work for the company behind the tool and I am long time windows expert :-) Check the Syskit it can connect to the server and extract info about the performance of every component of the ...
Frane Borozan's user avatar
1 vote

Android app to record notifications

I don't know an app specifically for your requirements, but I think you'll find Notification History useful to see the list of dismissed notifications. On some phones, there's also a pre-installed ...
Mahm00d's user avatar
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1 vote

Command line utility to see list of tasks, CPU usage, and memory usage

Personally I would use Python and the lovely psutil library which can gather just about all of the information that you can dream of: For a process on Windows you can get: cpu_percent cpu_times ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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1 vote

Software to track the CPU usage of individual processese and generate alert

After going through webpages from google search , I have found few tools that can be used. EventSentry free edition or Process Lasso from bitsum can be used for the same purpose. If third party tools ...
forumresearcher007's user avatar
1 vote

Open Source Cron Job Monitoring Webservice as Alternative to

FWIW Healthchecks itself is open-source (BSD license) and can be self-hosted. It can use SQLite as the database backend. It does not need Redis, Celery, Memcache, Clickhouse or any major dependencies ...
Pēteris Caune's user avatar
1 vote

Windows performance monitor similar to, or the same as, iStat Menus on macOS?

I can recommend taking a look at bashtop and bpytop, which are working on all platforms (Mac, Windows and Linux). Here is a blog post explaining how to get bashtop running on windows 10.
OpenGears's user avatar
1 vote

Monitoring Tool for Microservices

You can use monit for this. Please follow the below link to configure monit:
Rohit Kumar's user avatar
1 vote

How can I catch program calls

Assuming you're on Windows: For an easy-to use freeware tool, try Process Monitor. If that does not help you, try WinDbg's Logger.exe. If you need more options, try the Google search "strace ...
knb's user avatar
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1 vote

CPU load graph with history per process for Linux

Have a look at the Prometheus/Grafana combination. Prometheus is for collecting data (and some visualisation), Grafana is for visualization + dashboards. Installation and configuration can take a ...
knb's user avatar
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1 vote

System monitoring tools

Sentry is an event logging platform focused on capturing and aggregating exceptions. Sentry notifies you when your users experience errors in your web and mobile apps and easely you can track them. ...
Josem's user avatar
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1 vote

System monitoring tools

I'am working with rollbar. I'm very pleased. The implementation was very simple. In addition, the first 5000 events are free of charge. I use the Ruby SDK. Her you find the features: https://...
Markus's user avatar
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