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3 votes

Programmable Alternative to DialogFlow

You can also use Rasa Rasa NLU and Rasa Core are completely open source, and you can use them as an alternative to Dialogflow, IBM Watson, or Lex. There is a very active community of developers, and a ...
amn41's user avatar
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2 votes

Best NLP Library for German language in Python?

this Holmes Project would be very useful in your case, Build on SpaCy, this is specifically for English and German language, I haven't tried it yet, but looks promising, you can get to know everything ...
Ahmed Sunny's user avatar
2 votes

Open Source Dialog System Natural Language Processing Engine?

here are a couple resources I have found, that provide an open source "dialog system". (Javascript) I just ran this yesterday locally, with the telnet ...
petegordon's user avatar
2 votes

Human-like summarization of collection of texts

One may use the Python library GPT Index (MIT license but relies on GPT-3, which is closed-source + non-free) to summarize a collection of documents. From the documentation: index = GPTTreeIndex(...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes

Human-like summarization of collection of texts

It is not open source, but OpenAI has a "2nd grader summary"( and a "tldr-summary" API for this:
knb's user avatar
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2 votes

Programmable Alternative to DialogFlow

You can use RASA's open source project: It is open source and also works with Python. You will also have control of your own data. However, it is not as easy as ...
Devashish Mamgain's user avatar
1 vote

Text classification based on interests or topics for short texts

You can use LibShortText: gratis and open source (Python + C) works on UNIX systems LibShortText is an open source library for short-text classification and analysis. Properties of short texts are ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

Looking for a programming library or command line program that parses and produces syntax trees for natural languages

What about Apache OpenNLP and its SentenceDetector?? However OpenNLP expects from you that you train and finetune your own models, because it cannot know which types of sentences you intend to test it ...
knb's user avatar
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1 vote

Some API or any helpful tool/repo for doing a text summary

{1} indicates that GPT-3 is a good text summarizer. So you can use GPT-J, the open-source but less effective version of GPT-2. References: {1} Goyal, Tanya, Junyi Jessy Li, and Greg Durrett. "...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

Offline language detection library or script

The polyglot library has a Language Detection package polyglot.detect that seems to fit your requirements perfectly: Be capable of determining whether a page of text (~~300 words) is written in ...
bad_coder's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the best toolkit to parse an English sentence into a syntactic tree?

The Berkeley Neural Parser (benepar) MIT License Written in Python Integrates with NLTK or spaCy Has CPU and GPU Support (by tensorflow) Includes Models for 11 languages (English, Chinese, German, ...
duichwer's user avatar
1 vote

Automatic tool for resolving left-recursion within CFG

Here is another automated tool. Easy input format Better output format Also supports multi-letter symbols
shonku's user avatar
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1 vote

Tool for drawing parse trees

You can use Input: (S (NP (DT The) (NN man)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG running) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN mountain))))) (. .)) Output:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

Tool for drawing parse trees

You can use Example: Input was: [ROOT [S [S [NP [PRP It]] [VP [VBZ is] [NP [QP [RB nearly] [DT half] [JJ past] [CD five]]]]] ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

Text classification using Python

You could use dictionaries for your target language (like nltk.corpus words) and also for special terms which are related to your topic and use fuzzy string matching (like fuzzywuzzy) to keep all ...
quassy's user avatar
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1 vote

affordable library for analyzing texts/sentenses gramatically

I have done a course project about NLP tools recently. To analyze text is easy though to provide answers is quite more difficult and you might need to look into that on your own. NLP is still pretty ...
xji's user avatar
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1 vote

API to retrieve answers for general questions

There is Wolfram Alpha. This is essentially a search engine with significant internal intelligence. It has an API and can be embedded in web pages. Its output can be textual or graphical. ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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1 vote

Library/service/API that can be used to assign relevant tags to content

Check out Open Calais. Here is the result I get from your proposed body: Topics: Technology Internet 84% Labor 82% Business Finance 65% Social Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Reddit I'm searching for ...
user2997154's user avatar
1 vote

Library that can overlay a text with a heatmap

You could define a new command LaTeX: Example from : \newcommand{\attvis}[2]{\definecolor{att}{rgb}{1, #2, #2} \colorbox{att}{#1}} [...] \begin{figure}[t] \small \...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar

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