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4 votes

Web browser that creates independent sessions for each new window?

Ghost Browser might be what you are looking for. It is a Chrome-like browser with special Multi-Session Browsing. While it does not open a new session for each new window, you can have as many ...
Yisroel Tech's user avatar
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4 votes

Test which ports are open for outbound connection

The website can be used to check which ports are open for outbound connection, e.g. as follows (I took the command from sudo ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes

simple lightweight reliable method to send notifications to ubuntu over internet

My suggestion would be to use a chat app such as Empathy or even Discord. Both will send GNOME pop-up notifications and are trivial to install. Otherwise you could always make an email for just this ...
Keegs's user avatar
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3 votes

I want to host .md (markdown) to the public as a website?

At our company, we use Docusaurus to serve documentation pages written in Markdown. It's an open source application which has all Markdown capabilities Stack Exchange has, plus a few nice additions; ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to search the internet while avoiding sites with paywall articles?

Not exactly what you're looking for, but there are more extensions that actually stop some paywall sites from being annoying. Examples: Spaywall that can find archived versions of paywalled articles, ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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2 votes

Recommended application for switching between two ethernet?

You could have two powershell scripts each of which enables one interface and disables the other, there is a very good article here that describes how to do this. You can test this out by opening a ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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2 votes

Firefox plugin to help me switch search engine

For exactly this purpose I'm using Second Search. This addon extends the search box of Firefox: Second Search (click images for larger variant) The screenshot shows this very nicely: Type the ...
Izzy's user avatar
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2 votes

Alert if a process has uploaded more than X bytes over the last Y seconds

NetWorx (gratis) can do this. In the Notifications settings you can set X data within Y time:
laggingreflex's user avatar
2 votes

Share a file or web page(html would work too) to a specific person using internet

You could use Mongoose Web Server, it's a very lightweight and simple application to host a web page. Installing and using Mongoose is actually the easy part. The hard part is actually allowing people ...
Josh Zhang's user avatar
  • 206
2 votes

Web browser that creates independent sessions for each new window?

Although Yisroel Tech's answer of "Ghost Browser" does do what I was looking for, the free version is limited to only 3 sessions. I ended up finding a better solution that gives you unlimited ...
ProgrammerGirl's user avatar
2 votes

I want to host .md (markdown) to the public as a website?

I use the tool MkDocs for documentation-style websites with source documents stored as Markdown files. Personally I track my source files with git, but MkDocs is ignorant about how source is stored, ...
Jonas's user avatar
  • 408
2 votes

CLI tools to test internet connectivity and stability

Install speedtest-cli apt-get install speedtest-cli
cheche's user avatar
  • 141
2 votes

Pure text web browser for Android?

I figured it out. First I installed Termux, which is like a Linux terminal in Android. For that I used F-Droid by going here, installing the F-Droid client, and then installing Termux. Then I followed ...
Michael Lafayette's user avatar
2 votes

Android app to view the network usage history over the past 12 hours

Reddit user pH9654 pointed me to GlassWire Data Usage Monitor (gratis). It allows users to view the network activity for a given day by groups of 3 hours:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

Looking for a software that can block all applications except one from using the internet?

Answering my own question, the best software that can do this that I've found (by accident) is NetBalancer. So very easy to set up...
Dan X's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

Failover switch Walk through

Short answer to the original question (that was asking for something "dead easy"): no there isn't. Long answer: You could find something good enough for you if you were willing to give up on ...
Lucio Crusca's user avatar
1 vote

Share a file or web page(html would work too) to a specific person using internet

(low-tech solution) Set your Apache server to serve HTTPS, then create two pages: index.html (empty) 3752837652938573294572309457238947532948057.html (containing the information you want to make ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Video players with RTSP support

In Linux: Beside VLC and Kaffeine (as I said in the linked question above), I have received an answer thereunder mentioning Totem player. I have also tested Dragon player, and it works, but is less ...
cipricus's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote

Internet speed checking app for Android

I use Speedtest by Ookla ( on my iPhone and iMac. Works great. Measures upload and download speeds. Their web page says its available for android too. To my knowledge it never ...
Natsfan's user avatar
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Track down a caller from his ID

See either in softphone logs (but I don't know if cisco is making them) or using Wireshark where does the call is coming from. It might be direct IP call or call from PABX. If it comes from PABX then ...
TMSZ's user avatar
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sending high quality audio over the in the internet to a single point

You can use VLC as the source (creator) of the stream as well as the receiver. A helpful google search would be "stream privately over the internet with vlc" but basically on the source end you open ...
Caius Jard's user avatar
1 vote

Does anyone know any software that allows me to track my computer's bandwidth per hour?

There are a few options you can use to monitor bandwidth utilization on your device(s). Depending on your router as well, this may have the capacity to monitor the traffic used per device over a ...
DankyNanky's user avatar
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Is there any browser that only asks the server for plain text?

You can accomplish what you want using the Firefox web browser with the uBlock Origin extension. Simply configure uBlock Origin to block all scripts, images, and remote fonts. You can also configure ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
1 vote

Alternative to Google alerts that cover mentions for more than just news articles?

You’re not going to find a lone app/service that will search everything that you want. For Twitter, I’ve found that setting up searches in TweetDeck works the best for me. For blogs, forums, and ...
user128998's user avatar
1 vote

Block internet access for target applications

Maaybe you would like to consider sandboxie (, which allows you to either virtualize or completely block access to resources like drive, internet etc.
jf1's user avatar
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Portable software to investigate which apps on Windows PC are sending data to the internet, and how much

The reason that google is giving you the ReCaptcha test when doing searches is explained on this support page. While it could be your computer performing “automated traffic” as google puts it, it ...
LasseF-H's user avatar
1 vote

Android application for connecting to wired Internet

Try with simplert it has two programs one is client and one is app. It is an open source project in development. Reference:
Abhishek Gurjar's user avatar
1 vote

I want to access my Uni network from home

In my university, there are specific VPN settings to log into the uni network from outside. You could try contacting your University's network center to find out if they have a similar setup
yavvee's user avatar
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I am looking for an npm package suggestion for scraping websites?

When the web-scrapping comes to my mind I remembers python based beautiful-soup or selenium as tools I used to use before but if you want to work in NodeJS JavaScript I recommend you to checkout this ...
Hasan Parasteh's user avatar
1 vote

Youtube Addiction: Allow access to videos from certain channels

This is my first answer so, please excuse the momentary dips in quality of this. Also, I am not a programmer but found this effective method through Trial-and-Error. I have put this answer on several ...
Jeevan Virwadekar's user avatar

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