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4 votes

Reverse geocoding API to check if location is residential

It looks like Gisgraphy should fit your needs. Here's the output from an example query: <results> <numFound>1</numFound> <QTime>519</QTime> <result> <...
Izzy's user avatar
  • 18.9k
3 votes

Create own webmap

I'd draw it in QGIS (Free Desktop software) and publish using the QGIS2Web application to get something nice looking to show on a website. Have a look here: ...
LeasMaps's user avatar
  • 156
3 votes

Web based solution for large point clouds

I don't think that either MapServer or GeoServer will be able to handle large point cloud datasets, though they can both use PostgreSQL/PostGIS as a data source. If you want some open source software ...
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 147
2 votes

Open source mobile GIS data inspection software

I think you might like to take a look at QField: Open Source (GPL v2) Data Preparation in QGIS Attach photo to coordinates, etc. Add your own data fields & forms, form creation, etc. also in QGIS
Steve Barnes's user avatar
  • 31.8k
2 votes

Globe program like Google Earth, but with physical or political map?

Marble is a good alternative for google maps. it has the 3d and atlas view. it has Street Maps Satellite Maps Topographic Maps Educational Maps
neogeomat's user avatar
  • 736
2 votes

Looking for a good geographical library in scala

You might want to look at the GeoTools Java library for those operations. Point in Polygon Buffer a line Generate GeoJSON
Ian Turton's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a software package that can determine camera position from a photo of objects whose locations in 3D space are known?

You can certainly solve a camera position of a single photo with known 3D data (anywhere from 4 to 7 known 3D points depending on what you know about the camera). PhotoModeler can do this. But to do ...
Alan Walford's user avatar
2 votes

Choosing WebGIS full stack architecture

In the end, what I did was : Set up a WMS server (QGIS server). Use Leaflet on the client side for displaying the map (WMS overlay layer and the background layers - Google Maps, OpenStreetMap) in the ...
Darth Kangooroo's user avatar
2 votes

Seeking open source alternative to ESRI operations dashboard

Creating Dashboard Styled Map Layout with QGIS Video on Leaflet
nr_aus's user avatar
  • 241
2 votes

Seeking Open Source alternative to ArcGIS Navigator

Check out this link. Heaps of options, and it does mention open source options. All will use OpenStreetMaps as the map and routing. The Maps.Me solution ...
nr_aus's user avatar
  • 241
2 votes

Reverse geocoding API to check if location is residential

I've found that using the OpenStreetMap Overpass API gives what I need. You can write a query in Overpass Query Language or XML to search OSM for nodes, ways and relations tagged as "residential": [...
Chris Watts's user avatar
1 vote

Recording GPS coordinates in Windows using USB GPS antenna

OK so first off, verifying your position using Google Earth photos is fraught with danger. Do you know what the accuracy of those photos are? Different photos at different times have different ...
nr_aus's user avatar
  • 241
1 vote

What tools/libraries would be recommended for custom map layer (raster or vector) of dynamic shape labels?

GeoServer is an open source server for sharing geospatial data. Designed for interoperability, it publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards. So, it would have no problem ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
1 vote

Which GIS Library for a C# Applications using WPF

The only thing I can recommend is ProjNET4GeoAPI NuGet package. It performs point-to-point coordinate conversions between geodetic coordinate systems for use in .NET applications. However I used this ...
RezaNikfal's user avatar
1 vote

Residential topographic mapping with smartphone

If you are in the US - substantial portions of the US have mapped at a 1M resolution (ie, spacing) by the USGS. A coverage map is here. If you're lucky, all you have to do is download the DEM - ...
Llaves's user avatar
  • 161
1 vote

Seeking software to allow users to draw spatial polygons

On the assumption that you need a desktop solution, QGIS is free and open source. You can configure map layers, such as Openstreetmap, and capture polygons into a dataset, which could be a database if ...
nr_aus's user avatar
  • 241
1 vote

Desktop GIS library

The link you have provided above shows open source projects which are either desktop applications, or web based applications that provide mapping services/searching tools that can be consumed by ...
nr_aus's user avatar
  • 241
1 vote

Software to automatically convert from pdf to shapefiles

I think the answer is no. A PDF file is basically a picture (or raster in GIS terminology) but: To make a picture into Polygons, Lines etc you would have to put it into a GIS Software package (e.g. ...
LeasMaps's user avatar
  • 156
1 vote

Data mapping platform

It is better to use open data sources (like openstreetmap), which you can control and work with as you like. The license models are much more friendly for publications and scientific work in general. ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
1 vote

I hope to find an open source solution for Mosaic datasets

Look at GeoServer it supports image mosaics and image pyramids to store and serve image data using OGC standards such as WMS and WCS. You may find gis.stackexchange a good place to ask further ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
1 vote

Looking for a geospatial mapping package in R

A number of R libraries that I would suggest looking into are "tmap" and "sf". tmap can be used to plot the (interactiev) map and sf can be used to format your data set in order for it to fit to a ...
René's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Creating polygons over maps and extract the latitude/longitude?

Both the Bing Maps and Google Maps APIs could be coded to do the first (draw polygon and fetch vertices). Points in polygons are more difficult if you are attached to a web page interface. If you are ...
winwaed's user avatar
  • 180
1 vote

Is there a software package that can determine camera position from a photo of objects whose locations in 3D space are known?

fSpy can do this. OpenSource and free. Download from :
Neorg's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Using GIS to store any type of file

Can a GIS 'store' non-spatial data. Well, yes, attribute data can be stored in a GIS, at the end of the day, its just a relational database..... Can a GIS store a model file? Again in theory, GIS is ...
nr_aus's user avatar
  • 241
1 vote

Using GIS to store any type of file

There's a pretty significant disconnect between BIM and GIS in terms of actual parametric data - there is a BIM interchange format which retains most common BIM parameters but allows transfer between ...
GerardFalla's user avatar
1 vote

An interactive desktop app with Java (free GIS tools, api, bib, …)

GeoTools would seem like an obvious choice. Looking at your bullet points: The map should be on a country level [...] Like most GIS libraries, the scale of item you're representing doesn't really ...
Jerry Coffin's user avatar
1 vote

Drone imagery online deaddrop is a clear option. OpenAerialMap is an open service to provide access to a commons of openly licensed imagery and map layer services.
ragnvald's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote

C++ library for lat/long to screen coordinates

An old question, but you should look at the Proj.4 library. It is actually C. Written by the USGS, virtually all map projection libraries encapsulate this. It is so widespread that map projections are ...
winwaed's user avatar
  • 180
1 vote

How to view GPX files, created by OSMTracker on desktop?

I'm using Viking to view and edit GPX files. You can use it both ways: 1) View generated GPX tracks or 2) Make GPX tracks and upload to your Android device If additional data, e.g. audio and photo ...
Bunjip's user avatar
  • 441
1 vote

Web interface where I can draw objects and export PostGIS insert statements

If you are looking for a solution that works in a web interface (to allow edits in a browser to be added to your server based database) you should look at GIS server software that provides ...
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 147

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