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5 votes

Python IDE for Debian

PyCharm is available for Linux as a whole. This includes Debian. This ought to be applicable for your sort of application. You could give the community edition a try. PyCharm 4.5.1 running under ...
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
2 votes

Which framework is best to use for creating a multi platform auction app?

You mentioned in the Feathers Slack channel you were interested in Feathers. Ben Awad has a detailed and ongoing YouTube series about building a silent auction app with FeathersJS. Would that be ...
JohnSz's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

ServerPilot for Django/Python applications?

While ServerPilot is designed for PHP, it can be used for other languages, and you keep the benefits you're already familiar with.
Jack Linke's user avatar
2 votes

Choosing WebGIS full stack architecture

In the end, what I did was : Set up a WMS server (QGIS server). Use Leaflet on the client side for displaying the map (WMS overlay layer and the background layers - Google Maps, OpenStreetMap) in the ...
Darth Kangooroo's user avatar
2 votes

Evernote with custom properties. Notion with full offline support

Perhaps Obsidian in combination with the dataview plugin would work? This is how I think it scores on your requirements: ✅ Windows - It has a Windows app. ✅ CRUD - You can create, read, update and ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
1 vote

Evernote with custom properties. Notion with full offline support

Have you taken a look at It meets most of the requirements I think, minus the requirement for custom fields. It being open source and able to build on top of it, with the ...
ZucchiniZe's user avatar
1 vote

Auto generation of models for aws lambda similar to Django

I was looking for sequelize. Protipp: check out sequelize auto migrations, it can be found on It allows the creation of SQL relational data schemas within JS. One problem is, ...
user2741831's user avatar
1 vote

Alternative to google API (e.g. jquery) for charting w/o privacy concerns

I've used RGraph to make custom charts. I consider RGraph an undervalued tool, with tons of options and details. By default is not very nice, but if you just mimic the Google Chart colors and tinker a ...
Juanga Covas's user avatar
1 vote

CMS build with Django, which requires no coding

CodeRed looks like it fits all requirements. But I have not used it myself up to now. Build with: Django Wagtail Bootstrap4 Draftail (WYSIWYG Editor)
guettli's user avatar
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1 vote

School Management System with Django

It sounds like what you are looking for might be answered by NBGrader which is a suite of tools for the Jupyter ecosystem that: facilitates creating and grading assignments in the Jupyter notebook. ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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1 vote

Django vs Bokeh vs Flask vs other?

you may found this helpful Also comes with django-vs-web2py, django-vs-turbogears, and It's a website compare with similar ...
Freddiewanah's user avatar
1 vote

Django vs Bokeh vs Flask vs other?

I am not familiar with Bokeh but I have used Django and Flask. They represent two different ends of the framework spectrum. Flask is a minimalist framework with URL mapping and html templating system. ...
Rich Sadowsky's user avatar
1 vote

Should I use Django or Node.js?

Unless you find a good framework to build on, Django is getting to give you the most return for your time. Node.js is infinitely powerful, but you need to have serious software development chops to ...
Wilfred Smith's user avatar
1 vote

Tool to determine what the Python worker processes are doing? from the README A Ptracing Profiler For Python Pyflame is a high performance profiling tool that generates flame graphs for Python. Pyflame is implemented ...
guettli's user avatar
  • 247
1 vote

Cron Server with Config in DB (Django)

Complex work orchestration with discreet cron instances can blow. May I recommend Django-cron? MIT licensed.
cincypiper's user avatar
1 vote

Software to password protect Django folders

The main issue that you'll likely run into is this: If Python can access your code and run it (allowing your application to work) then it would be fairly trivial for someone else to do the same. I ...
Harlan's user avatar
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1 vote

Tool for statistical performance measurement in production environments

PyFlame looks good: From the docs: Pyflame: A Ptracing Profiler For Python Pyflame is a high performance profiling tool that generates flame graphs for ...
guettli's user avatar
  • 247
1 vote

JS GUI framework on top of Django REST framework

I found this project which enables users to build applications using Django and Ember.js: Ember Django Adapter (EDA) enables users to build applications using Django REST Framework and Ember.js. ...
guettli's user avatar
  • 247
1 vote

I need to build a planner app, does one language have open source advantages?

Sounds like you should have a look at Drupal (a CMS). If you would combine it with contributed modules such as Views, Group and Feeds you have most of the features you're looking for. From then on it ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
1 vote

Python IDE for Debian

PyDev is a Python IDE for Eclipse, which may be used in Python, Jython and IronPython development. It comes with many features such as: Django integration Code completion Code completion with auto ...
karel's user avatar
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1 vote

Framework for integrating Django and JavaScript

I would recommend React.js, as it is the most popular front-end framework out there nowadays. Great documentation and resources, like YouTube tutorials, due to the fact that it has a huge community, ...
georgekrax's user avatar

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