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Software for voice editing and recording

Audacity is: Very good Free, Gratis & Open Source Quite easy to use Available for multiple platforms Can do cleaver tricks like removing repetitive background noise or increasing tempo without ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
  • 31.9k
3 votes

GUI app to cut audio without (or with mininal) recoding

This is what I've found myself: LosslessCut ( It's more focused on Video; the GUI is very limited (e.g. can't enter the cut range as timecodes, typing in the digits); and you don't see ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Concatenate sequential multitrack WAV files into a set of single-track WAV files

sox can append sequential multi channel wav while extracting a single channel. This is not mentioned in first answer and is not implemented in the example script (which accepts only one multi ...
Jonathan Sherred's user avatar
2 votes

Mass MP3 File Stretcher?

You can easily do this in Audacity following the guide How To Quickly Edit Multiple Files in Audacity. You can chain effects to be applied to multiple files. The effect you are probably looking for ...
Ariss's user avatar
  • 36
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Audio recording software that allows setting markers?

While playing back audio in Audacity, you can press Ctrl-M (or ⌘-. on Mac) to insert a label at the current playback position. You can type a note while playback continues if you wish, and press Enter ...
mwfearnley's user avatar
2 votes

Audio editing tool where you can cut / trim an mp3 file directly, without re-encoding it?

You can use mp3DirectCut which is a lossless editor for MP3 (and to a degree, MP2 and AAC) audio files, able to provide cuts and crops, copy and paste, gain and fades to audio files without having to ...
Juanga Covas's user avatar
2 votes

Software for audio processing: improving intelligibility

You didn't provide your OS and price requirements. If you want paid solution and OS is Windows here are two alternatives for Audacity. Option 1: Adobe Audition Edit, mix, record, and restore audio....
onurcano's user avatar
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2 votes

Audio production with a non-linear editor that works from plain-text files

You can script Audacity from an external python script (with the output file being separate from the input file so as to provide non-destructive editing) with the scripts being plain text, python, ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
  • 31.9k
2 votes

Lossless, graphical audio/video file editor for Mac

There are a number of FFMPEG GUI front ends but when combining clips you will find that it is necessary to re-encode if any of the following are true: The last frame of one clip is not exactly one ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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1 vote

How auto-detect and remove speech/dialogue in music radio recordings?

I don't know if this would be convenient enough, but one option could be using whisper.cpp with some small (= relatively fast) English-only model (I'm taking assumption that this station is using ...
TMSZ's user avatar
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Linux audio software to make old-time radio more understandable

I'd be very tempted to throw one or two at Adobe's new 'Podcast Enhance' & see what it makes of them. It's still in Beta, but I've had it rescue some quite abysmal recordings recently, including ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Audio clean-up software to normalize volume, trim silences, on a batch of files?

When it comes to audio processing, Audacity has always been my (FOSS) go to tool. However, I've never really needed batch processing like OP is asking for. However a quick search revealed that ...
Lockszmith's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a free program allowing to create very simple sound/audio loops?

I found a compilation of six purportedly free programs for creating sounds for looping or any other purpose. I say "purportedly" because at least one of them is limited in the free version ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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Video/Audio Processing:Adding Second Language Sound To 4k video Through Vlc player Result Into Shaky Sound & Video

You can use ffmpeg to add second audio stream in video. The command will be something like: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -i audio.dts -map 0 -map 1 -c copy output.mkv For more details you can check this ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
1 vote

Software stack for audio, video, and visual effects

Personally I would suggest the following combination: Audacity for the sound editing Python + Moviepy as a front end for: FFMPEG which does the heavy lifting on the video processing. ImageMagick ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there multiband compressor for Audacity on Linux?

With instructions for Linux there is a plug-in available for Audacity® See here
graham's user avatar
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Tool to remove clicking sounds in audio recording due to clipping (Android or Windows)

Audacity: has a very effective filter for noise removal Supports import/export of AC3, M4A/M4R & with the optional FFmpeg library Is free, gratis & open source Is available for Windows/Mac/...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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1 vote

Android sound file editing app with unlimited waveform editing zoom

Doninn or VoicePRO Not sure about zoom, however.
Counsel's user avatar
  • 11
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Delete multiple sections of an audio file at once

You can do this with Python and MoviePy, (which behind the scenes will use FFMPEG), just the other way round! To be specific you specify your audio file as an input and the time stamps of all of the ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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1 vote

Sound editor for Mac to manually mix (crossfade) music files?

The easy answer is Audacity: Free, Gratis & Open Source Cross Platform, Windows, Linux & Mac OS-X. Multi-track Supports most sound file formats Adjust volume with Compressor, Amplify, ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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Splitting OGG and M4A audio files without transcoding

I managed to split the audio using ffmpeg for Windows Unzipped the program to a desired location. Opened cmd in Windows. Navigated to to the ffmpeg-(version-code-...
Tiago Stapenhorst's user avatar
1 vote

Windows app to trim the commentary at the end of a song

Rather than a single program that does this for you I have a combination that can do it for you. The combination is: Python - Programming Language Download and install from
Steve Barnes's user avatar
  • 31.9k
1 vote

Audio recording software that allows setting markers?

Total Recorder Pro may meet your requirements, although it appears for Windows machines only. Here's one segment of the description to meet your requirement for markers: Use Cue-sheet files. Total ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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Software to retrieve songs from a larger audio file as individual recordings

Problem Statment The basic problem is finding the actual tracks in the audio stream. You could search the audio for things that qualify as music but you will capture advert jingles, station tags, etc....
Steve Barnes's user avatar
  • 31.9k
1 vote

Concatenate sequential multitrack WAV files into a set of single-track WAV files

The sox man page gives an example script for extracting each channel from a file into its own file. Basically it ends up doing (in reverse order) sox all_tracks.wav all_tracks-01.wav remix 01 sox ...
meuh's user avatar
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Concatenate sequential multitrack WAV files into a set of single-track WAV files

FFMPEG can split, merge (down mix) and concatenate audio, (and video), tracks including multi-track audio files from the command line or a batch/script file. It can also convert between the majority ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
  • 31.9k
1 vote

Software recommendation to remove parts of audio from an audible audibook

Update: As of 06/13, I can confirm that the Tuneskit Audible Converter is able to decrypt Audible audiobooks without using the analog loophole. I set it up on a system without the components necessary ...
Wowfunhappy's user avatar
1 vote

Windows program to lower bitrate of M4A files without re-encoding

Frankly the question as asked cannot be done as changing the bit rate must always require re-encoding and reducing the bit rate will almost always reduce the quality of the track - the exceptions will ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
  • 31.9k
1 vote

Windows program to lower bitrate of M4A files without re-encoding

Hashim, Have you looked into what VLC can do: ?
Lefty G Balogh's user avatar

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