What you're looking for is **AviDemux**.

**AviDemux** is an open-source GUI video processing software made in Linux which also has releases for windows (x86 and x64), it also has a commandline version called **avidemux_cli.exe** which comes inside the package.

It can perform re-conversion of various formats and also it can perform copy/cut/paste operations with no re-conversion, this mneans 0% quality is lost during the procedure because is just a remux operation.

It has a very user-friendly UI, and works perfect for cut/split a video once or at various points, as I said, with no reconversion unless you specify the opposite.

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

I love **AviDemux**, you will love it too. Download it here:


  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/uhJMZ.gif