I went on a hike, took a bunch of geotagged pictures, and I want to upload them and have them displayed on a map along an itinerary. What photo sharing services support this? Bonus points if a path (itinerary) can be drawn.

What I've tried so far:

* Flickr - [works - see example](https://www.flickr.com/photos/danvdascalescu/sets/72157644669826464/map/). *WARNING*: doesn't read geolocation data from the EXIF header unless you go to the [Flickr privacy and permissions settings](https://www.flickr.com/account/privacy/) and set "Hide your EXIF data" to `No` **and also** "Import EXIF location data" to `Yes`, and "Who will be able to see your stuff on a map" to `anyone`. Donwsides: torturous interface, uploads time out. 1TB free storage.
* Picasa - no maps
* Panoramio (also owned by Google) - your photos must be approved to get on the map. Even then, I have [32 photos approved](http://www.panoramio.com/user/6305660/stats), but none show up on [my map](http://www.panoramio.com/map/?user=6305660#lt=37.804045&ln=-122.416244&z=2&k=1&a=1&tab=4&pl=all).
* Fotki - Reads EXIF GPS data but shows *all* of your photos on a map. Can't show a particular album. Also, you can't download the originals of your photos, apparently.
* Facebook - no maps

It's a bit puzzling that as of 2014, it's so hard to find a service like this, and that the major players don't seem to be offering one.