The second is called Mockplus. It also offers a free and premium version, the free version includes quite a few features: > - Support all platforms(iOS/Android/PC/Web) > - Sketch and wireframe style > - 200 components > - 8 markup components > - Visualized interaction design > - 8 pre-designed interaction components > - Various events and commands > - Execute interaction sequentially & simultaneously > - Interaction state > - Masters > - My favorites > - Fast review > - Scan QR code to preview app prototype on mobile > - Auto backup > - Batch modification > - Page tag > - Component remarks > - Import & export component fragment > - Import & export project fragment > - Ruler and guidelines > - Share prototypes > - Shortcuts This basically includes all of your requirements but if you want to export to PNG/JPG, you're going to have to buy the Pro version. # [Mockplus][1] (freemium) > If you are looking for a tool that makes you design easier and faster, you cannot go pass Mockplus. > > 1. Fast Interaction- Interactive design is easier than ever - The interactive design in Mockplus is fully visualized, that's > WYSIWYG. With a simple drag-and-drop to build interactive prototypes > effortlessly. A set of pre-designed components, including pop-up > panel, stack panel, scroll box, sliding drawer and image carousel, > make you create fully interactions faster and easier. > > 2. Fast Design -Prototype like a Pro with extensive pre-designed components Mockplus comes with more than 400 icons and nearly 200 > components. Just drag these components into the workspace for a > combination to prototype your app ideas within few minutes. Focus on > design itself and no more efforts will be spent on making a component. > > 3. Fast Previewing - Test on actual device instantly Scan the generated QR code to preview prototypes on the actual device > instantly, no USB cable or remote publishing required. Carry and share > your prototypes offline with teammates or clients in order to gather > feedback. The cloud sync makes it faster and easier to preview > prototype on mobile device. > > 4. Fast Learn - Code-free and get started right away Just focus on design itself rather than the tool. You can get started easily without > the risk of falling into the tool's slave by investing a lot of time > and money on learning and training. With Mockplus, you don’t need to > worry about programming knowledge any more, let alone coding. > > [![screenshot][2]][2] [1]: [2]: