Questions tagged [yaml]

For recommendations about yaml editors and libraries.

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Program to creating notes as a Tree

I need a program that can be used to create notes and store them as a tree with nodes. What does this mean? This means that I can write something like this: Day 1 Task 1 Action 1 Task 2 ...
quantum231's user avatar
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Command line tool that validates YAML file against a JSON schema written in YAML

I'm looking for a YAML validator that can validate YAML files against a JSON schema written in YAML. I found Yamale - but this tool does not use the JSON schema standard but its own schema definition. ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
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Is there a YAML validator that includes imported GitLab CI YAML files?

Hey I am looking for a YAML validator to verify my .yaml files are correct. I am using GitLab CI. Since I have a massive configuration I split it to several yaml files and import them on my main yaml ...
Or b's user avatar
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Is there a python library for validate the swagger Yaml file?

I am currently working with automatic update swagger server. Form time to time, the swagger APIs can be changed. Each time of the changes, the python script will download the APIs and create the ...
Jianyuan Ma's user avatar
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Simple YAML parser for PHP

I'm looking for a simple YAML parser I can use in my PHP scripts. Requirements: lightweight. I don't want to install a complete framework just to parse a few simple YAML files. independent. I don't ...
Izzy's user avatar
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Is there a Java YAML library you might recommend?

I am looking for a Java YAML library (I defo don't want to use Jackson-YAML for a variety of reasons), and was wondering if there was any that people recommend. Thanks!
Siddhu's user avatar
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Preserving existing comments when parsing, modifying and dumping a YAML document

Is there a library in a JVM language that allows me to parse an existing YAML document, accomplish a small modification in the file and dump it as another file such as existing comments are preserved?
Sergio's user avatar
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6 votes
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Non-plaintext YAML editor

I need to work with YAML files but I get the willies when working with YAML's loose, inconsistently-spaced, strangely-keyed, ruby-esque format. What software exists to open and edit YAML as key-value ...
ThorSummoner's user avatar