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Questions tagged [text-processing]

Software related to processing text in any way, e.g. formatting, filtering, searching and replacing, etc.

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2 votes
3 answers

App to copy text from youtube video and paste into a terminal

On a Linux machine, I watch many youtube videos associated with programming/coding. I would like to try out the code that is being presented in the youtube video. A useful app for me would be to be ...
1 vote
2 answers

Transform text into gibberish while maintains the "look" of the original text

I have some text. I want to generate gibberish instead of this text, but I want the gibberish to look the same, in the sense of being sequence of words of more-or-less the same lengths as the original ...
1 vote
1 answer

Looking for software / tool to shuffle alphabets / characters in text file

Looking for software / tool to shuffle alphabets / characters in text file, Requirements: use 1 password to shuffle and de-shuffle correct password will de-shuffle the text file into its original ...
3 votes
2 answers

Semantic Tagging and analysis or extraction of text (Windows/OS X)

I'm looking for a software to add semantic tags to a long, structured text, with the ability to search for, extract, maybe analyse these tags. Specifically, the text is structured into chapters and ...
4 votes
1 answer

Any software recommendations for getting the metadata of a PDF?

I have 10,000 PDF files in my drive and I need to capture the following metadata. I tried using wordstat but I'm unable to capture the following: File Name File Type Asset Type Asset Title Product ...
1 vote
1 answer

When awk becomes too cumbersome, what is the next classic Unix tool to consider to deal with text transformation?

Awk is invaluable for many purposes where text filter logic spans multiple lines and you need to maintain state (unlike grep and sed), but as I'm finding lately there may be cases where you need ...
2 votes
1 answer

PDF editing software/note taking with indexing capability

I am a graduate student who is looking to upgrade my note taking capabilities. I am looking for a pdf editor (for windows 10) that can edit text (i.e highlight, underline, etc) but can also index ...
2 votes
3 answers

A mac tool to fill placeholders before pasting

Im running OSX Yosemite and i need to paste certain patterns repeatedly. I only need to change parts of those. E.g. <tag>something</tag> <p>blehbelhbleh</p> <asd&...
1 vote
0 answers

String literals escaping tool for multiple languages

I am looking for a single utility to escape strings constants/literals for multiple languages: C, C++, Java Javascript Python XML, HTML shellscript awk, sed The tool should be open source and linux-...
1 vote
1 answer

Language detection at shell command

I need to detect the language of a huge amount of files, and I was wondering if there is some tool which I could use in a way similar to this, in linux command shell: langdetector filetodetect > ...
20 votes
7 answers

Software to text-search a LARGE set of files (ebooks)

Looking for a Windows program (similar to "Everything") that can: Scan a very large (2-3TB, 10,000s or even 100,000s of files in 1,000s of folders) directory recursively For each "text" file, index ...
1 vote
1 answer

R library for matching similar names

I'm trying to join datasets with names that partially match, ex. "John Smith" vs. "Jonathan Q. Smith". I'm familiar with the fuzzy joins package and am wondering if there are other ...
2 votes
1 answer

Frontend to AI system (LLM) plugin for transforming longer text chunks to simple modern language

How to translate/rephrase a verse epic in unreadable language (with bad typesetting) to modern spoken languages? I intend to purchase an ebook of the Iliad by Homer. This is a translation from ancient ...
2 votes
0 answers

Software/web service that can extract quoted text and attributions from fiction

I have need of a tool that can read through a (potentially long) work of fiction (e.g. short story, novel, etc) and find instances where a character speaks and provide as output the name of the ...
2 votes
0 answers

CPU-based LLM for Markdown editor

I'd like to integrate an LLM into my free, open-source, cross-platform desktop Markdown editor. In particular, bundle the LLM into the editor's ancillary podman container (that's used for typesetting)....
0 votes
0 answers

Math accessibility for math kids on Android via Gboard (or other comfortable math keyboard) via plugins and software engineering

I tried posting this on the TeX - LaTeX stack exchange, but couldn't because I kept getting an error (I couldn't identify the error). I am looking for a predictive system I want to use on Android to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Find two text strings within N lines

I am looking for a gratis Windows program that can take a standard windows text file and search for occurrences of two user provided strings within N lines of each other, where N is user specified. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unblur pdf document

I've a pdf document and some pages are blurred (see figure below please). I tried to unblur it by using ScanWritr and AvePDF, but without any success. Could you suggest me a tool to do that please?
0 votes
0 answers

Blur pdf document

I am looking for a tool to blur a pdf document like below; so far I found only online and offline tools to black out text (e.g. Adobe, smallpdf, redactpdf, pdffiller etc.).
0 votes
0 answers

Dictation: computer speaks, learner writes

I am wondering whether there is any software on the Android Google Play store that does the following: Text is read out The software waits for the text that is read out to be written at the keyboard....
0 votes
1 answer

Template engine / tool that can template out whole directory trees

What I'm looking for I'm looking for a text templating engine (think e.g. Jinja2, Mako, or Liquid) or a higher-level library/tool making use of such an engine that supports templating on the level of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a (command line) tool to calculate percentage change between two files of the same format full of numbers?

Is there a (command line) tool to calculate percentage change between two files of the same format full of numbers? Example: File A: 100 100 File B: 150 70 Invocation: $ calc_perc_change A B +50% -...
0 votes
0 answers

Overwrite handwriting on Android (input to word processor, math-aware)

I am trying to save some trees. In order to do this, I would like to develop a system for true handwriting that can be used on Android. In order to do this, this would have to be an overwrite ...
0 votes
0 answers

Text classification: Elastic or Apache Spark?

I would like to train a model of text classification to analyze municipal council resolutions of cities. A resolution usually spoke about: housing, sanitation, local public transportation... Each ...
2 votes
0 answers

Extracting font from a handwritten pdf file

I'm wondering if it's possible to extract (create actually) the font from a handwritten pdf file. Online I found only methods to create a font starting from my own handwriting. There are projects like ...
1 vote
0 answers

Looking for tools to summarize or quiz from large PDF/text files

Claude AI chatbot provides the ability to summarize PDF/texts. But it still has a limit, usually if one wants to create a summary of a book the pdf/text file has a lot of words exceeding the limit ...
0 votes
1 answer

OCR extraction from scans

I really need your help! I have been tasked by my university to digitise a whole bunch of historical data. These are old scans from books and my task would be to copy the data by hand. Since this task ...
12 votes
1 answer

Is there a free-standing equivalent to PowerPoint's "SmartArt" feature?

MS PowerPoint includes a feature called "SmartArt". It provides a means of automating various kinds of graphical layouts of lists. I believe it was introduced with MS Office 2007. I'm not a Windows ...
0 votes
0 answers

Software type for processing an author's works

I look for a category of software, not concrete software packages. Of course if you name some, that wouldn't hurt. I am to process the works of an author. In the past century this was called writing ...
0 votes
0 answers

Does a tool exist that allows one to comb through the ai literature?

Does a tool exists, and I am specifically thinking of something LLM-based, that allow to ask such things as for example : “make me a timeline of the major papers in the field of object detection”, “...
1 vote
1 answer

grep tool that colorizes matches and (C) code comments?

This is somewhat similar to the question in - however, what I actually want, is this: provided a C ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there software to change 'е' to 'ё' in Russian text?

Can anyone tell me if there is a downloadable software program that will change 'е' to 'ё' when appropriate for beginning readers? I found one called Орфо but the links were either outdated or didn't ...
2 votes
0 answers

Tool to keep duplicate information in source code repository consistent

Sometimes it can't be avoided to duplicate information in a source code repository: E.g. parts of the README file will often be duplicated in the full documentation, the current version will often be ...
20 votes
12 answers

Linux text editor that supports column manipulations/selections (like Notepad++ for Windows)

I'm looking for a gratis text editor for Linux that supports column manipulations/selection like the Notepad++ text editor for Windows allows. Specifically, I want to be able to: Quickly and easily ...
2 votes
2 answers

Generative AI detector for text (tells whether a text was written by a human or not)

I want to quickly tell whether a text was written by a human or by an AI (such as ChatGPT, GPT, LaMDA, BART, etc). Ideally something that can be used online without installing anything, just with a ...
1 vote
0 answers

What platform can I use to perform a machine-learning-based string matching process with a human-in-the-loop (HIL) aspect using python?

I am looking for a commendation on a hosted machine-learning process that provides an easy human-in-the-loop solution. Our primary goal is to match strings from transactional data against our SSOT (...
2 votes
2 answers

Word separation sensitive text replacement CLI tool

I am looking for a Linux command-line utility that can do text replacement (think sed or sd) and is able to automatically extend your search-and-replace pattern to strings that have different word ...
1 vote
0 answers

Google Drive Tool That Can Update The indexableText attribute Of Files

TLDR: Google Drive does not index markdown files or mime type text/markdown by default. But Google Drive provides a method to index files with mime types that are not indexed by default by updating ...
1 vote
0 answers

Editor for all sorts of (Text) Files

The IT world is full of text files, for configuring things for defining things or for authoring text. Since many years I've been searching a tool that can edit text files that have a user defined ...
0 votes
0 answers

GUI for source code documenting system, that can resolve references to comments in dual pane window?

I often have this problem, coding in C or Python: I start writing an expression, and it starts with a simple line comment, so far so good; say: // initiate sending to hardware: hardware_send_init(&...
1 vote
1 answer

an AI text completer similar to tabnine

I am looking for an AI text completion extension for the browser that would display the next sentence like TabNine.
0 votes
3 answers

Software to find & count duplicate strings in a text file

I am seeking recommendations for a Windows tool to find and count duplicate lines in a text file containing 500,000-999,999 lines. The tool can be a CLI or GUI. If the duplicate lines are consecutive ...
5 votes
5 answers

Software for comparing two different text or html files

I need a software that can do the following: Compare two different files Highlight the differences Can handle big text files I have already checked out diffchecker. My OS is Windows 7.
1 vote
1 answer

Find duplicated or similar sentences from text in English

I would like a tool that takes input text and returns which sentences are duplicates and very similar (e.g., by informational distance as in Levenshtein distance). For example, if two sentences ...
0 votes
0 answers

Regular expression search for multiple files with summary for Regex groups

I have a lot of files to search (17000+). I would like to search the file content using a regular expression. Unlike all programs that I know until now, I don't want to get a list of files (there will ...
2 votes
0 answers

Generate text from other similar texts

I'm looking for a piece of software, a script or whatever that could generate text based on multiple other texts.That could be used for creating stories for instance. If the stories used as the "...
1 vote
1 answer

R packages for text mining - beginner level

I am looking for a simple to use R package that will allow me to: Analysis a chunk of text data for frequency Easily allow me to exclude common terms e.g. "and" "yes" Allow for ...
1 vote
3 answers

Is there something that can automatically align the equals sign (=) characters in text files?

We need to align the = character in our terraform files against the longest variable name. Is there any tool that can do this automatically? For example thomas = "train" harrypotter = "...
1 vote
1 answer

Easiest full text search engine for a small corpus with proximity search

I'm creating a full text search engine for a series of approximately 10 public domain books. The corpus will rarely be updated. Proximity search will be the core feature, e.g. locating "hello" within ...
1 vote
0 answers

Windows CLI tool to remove a specified line from a section within an `ini` file

Please recommend a gratis Windows CLI tool that allows one to remove a specified line from a section within an ini file. For example, let's say you have the following ini file: [settings] height=100 ...