Questions tagged [scraping]

Web scraping is the process of collecting selected data from one or more web pages for storage or further processing.

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3 votes
2 answers

What are good tools for automatically crawling websites, check for certain links, and extract data?

I would like to automatically crawl about 1 million URLs (on a CSV file) and check whether the sites provide a Facebook Login button (i.e., users can create accounts by connecting their Facebook ...
You_got_it's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

GUI scraper allowing the extract a specified element of a webpage for a list of URLs having a similar structure

I am looking for a program that can extract a specified element of a webpage for a list of pages having a similar structure. To put it otherwise, I would first specify the location of the text that ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Text or summary extractor from webpage

I look for a software or add-on (Firefox) to extract the main text of a webpage. For example for a Wikipedia article it must extract the article and omit the navigation bars, references or headers ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

What are the best available options for HTML scraping? [closed]

I'm currently using PHP DOM with CURL and Simple HTML DOM Parser for HTML scraping. I need to scrape large set of contents and it need to stored. I am using PHP as my main language and MySQL as ...
Surabhil Sergy's user avatar