Questions tagged [scientific-computing]

This tag denotes that your software requires functions that are specific to science fields (physics, chemistry, medicine, etc.)

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4 votes
1 answer

Open source software for medical image processing

Can anybody kindly suggest any open source software / application which is used by researchers / doctors / practitioners at hospitals / clinics to visualize patients information? One example is ...
Krishnaprasad's user avatar
36 votes
3 answers

Alternative to Matplotlib for scientific plotting with Python

I can't take anymore Matplotlib's general approach of "plotting-by-side-effect". Is there an alternative? I'm looking for something closer in philosophy to Mathematica's Plot function, which returns ...
kjo's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Free alternatives to Matlab that run on Linux?

I recently joined the folks using Linux. As a result, I'm trying to replace as much of the propriety applications as I can, with free — and if possible open-source — alternatives. Since I need a ...
e-sushi's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Star System and/or Galaxy modelling/procedural generation software

I am looking for some Star System and/or Galaxy modelling/procedural generation software for a project. I am primarily interested in the properties of the generated bodies -- graphical output is a ...
jpw's user avatar
  • 173
0 votes
2 answers

IDE for intepreting and compiling multiple languages: Fortran, C, Python, Octave, R...

I am working with Linux systems. I am looking for a IDE where I can write up and compile FORTRAN codes. However, currently I am also coding in bash, Octave, Python and R --- for these I already ...
XavierStuvw's user avatar