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CLI text editor for Linux that supports scrolling bar and stdin reading? [closed]

Is there a CLI text editor for Linux that supports a scroll bar useable with the mouse and that can read from stdin ? If not is there at least a simple GUI text editor that support stdin reading ? I ...
Nicryc's user avatar
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App to hide cursor when typing in Windows

Windows has a feature to hide the cursor (aka "pointer") when typing text. The option is called "Hide pointer while typing". Unfortunately, it does not work reliably. Is there a Windows 7 ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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Disabling window resizing or mouse dragging

I'm on Windows. Since I always prefer the default appearances of GUI, I want to prevent accidental resizing (e.g. window resizing, column resizing). Any tools for disabling resizing? Or by indirectly ...
David's user avatar
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