Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

For recommendations for software that interoperates with the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software.

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11 votes
4 answers

Software that can extract tables from PDF files

I often receive table data in PDF files. I want to be able to get that into MS Excel in a tabular format but it often comes out strangely when I copy-paste. I want to be able to get tables out of PDF ...
user1605665's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Creating a graph of connections between Office files

I'm preparing to move huge amount of files between file servers. The files are located in different shares within one of many servers. I thought it would be good to have clear vision of what is linked ...
Krzysztof Jakóbczyk's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Software library or tool to pivot and export a lot of data to Excel

I'm trying to find a way to get normalized data that's in an MSSQL database out of there, pivoted, and into an Excel file. The main problem is that I have many of those databases, each with the same ...
Jeroen's user avatar
  • 1,603
4 votes
0 answers

Excel to SQL mapping tool

I am looking for a tool/library to import data from different clients into our SQL database. Each client will have their own EXCEL file. So the number of columns, name of the columns in EXCEL would be ...
LP13's user avatar
  • 141
1 vote
1 answer

QR scanner for making trade fair shopping lists

Is anyone aware of an android/iPhone app that would allow customers to go scan a barcode/QR code on an item and create an order list, that could be exported for our manufacturing orders? Bullet ...
user980071's user avatar