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Questions tagged [lockscreen]

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Android app to prevent more than one screen unlock per hour

In order to remove distraction, I'm looking for an Android app which would only allow my phone to be unlocked one time every hour (or some other controlled schedule). (Possibly, you'd still be able ...
fastmultiplication's user avatar
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Android App to Toggle Keyguard (aka Lockscreen and Screen Lock)

Can someone recommend a free-of-charge Android (KitKat) app that will enable/disable the Keyguard (aka Lockscreen and Screen Lock)? The Keyguard is the screen that appears after you have let your ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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Android lockscreen that shows time as hh:mm:ss

The default Android Lockscreen that's installed on my ZTE Axon doesn't show seconds. I want one that does show me seconds. Which one does this?
Christian's user avatar
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Looking For an Applock

Due to recent security concerns, I'm looking for an Applock app. However, apps being apps, you can't trust 'em all. So, I am looking for: Absolute Must-haves Applock capabilities (duh) Minimal ...
Dan Brown's user avatar
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Android app to lock the screen with a swype from the bottom of the screen.

My phone's power button is broken and I use an app called Screen Off to lock the phone. But that's only for home screen. If I want to lock the screen while I am in an another app or press the power ...
user152435's user avatar
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Android app to record screen unlock times and dates to a log file?

I am looking for an Android app to record screen unlock (and lock) times and dates to a log file on the system. Thanks. I have found the Unlock Log but it does not list the lock times. The lock times ...
Jordan Jamingsons's user avatar
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digital clock in screenlock mode on Android

I am thinking i would be more productive if i would have a digital clock which displays the seconds too (so that i am constantly reminded that time passes quickly) But i just not finding any on Google ...
peterK88's user avatar
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any software similar to my lockbox to lock particular file or software without encryption.similar to andriod applock for windows

I wanted to lock some file/folder and exe. I am trying to find software to lock the exe or folder without encryption. An open source alternative would be better. I have found my lockbox but it seems ...
Priyan Tiwari's user avatar
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Android lockscreen that allows quick access when connected to specific WiFi networks

Please recommend an Android lockscreen that does not require any swiping/pin/password entry when the device is connected to one or more user-specified WiFi networks. Must be compatible with non-...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar