Questions tagged [live-preview]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Laravel package for visual page editor

I have a PHP website with Laravel 4 framework. I would like to find a visual page editor tool to integrate at front-end website that admin can edit content both of text and image like the Visual ...
punny's user avatar
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2 votes
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Webcam forced resolution changer

I am looking for a software that force sets the (plugged in) webcams resolutions to 640x360 widescreen. I am using VH Multicamera Studio and it has some problems with setting the webcam to widescreen. ...
ITChristian's user avatar
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Live HTML Editor Google Chrome Extension Permanent

I am looking for a Google Chrome extension that can permanently edit the HTML of a website, and apply the changes to the HTML on website load. I would like this extension to work on any website I ...
Mosrod's user avatar
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FTP client with live preview

I am looking for a FTP client that: runs on Microsoft Windows can open a file located on the server and refresh it whenever it gets changed on the server. Ideally: gratis. WinSCP and FileZilla can ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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1 answer

What software to view EXR "videos" (single images on disk)

With Blender I can render my animations as single frames. When rendering as PNG, the pixel values might get clipped, so I am trying to render to an HDR format which keeps the brightness information. ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar