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IRC client that lets you group related channels

I need an IRC client for linux that would let me group related channels in the channel switcher treebar. For instance, if I were connected to a network called IRCNetwork, it should look something like ...
adder's user avatar
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3 votes
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IRC client that allows rich text?

What I'm Looking For An IRC programme (installed or web), plugin, etc. that allows for making rich-text formatting, either directly or through markup (e.g. markdown)? Same thing as #1 but compatible ...
SarahofGaia's user avatar
1 vote
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Text mode IRC client that can trigger a command on an event

I'm a bit of an IRC addict, and I tend to appear online most of the time because I use a bouncer. I would like to get notifications to my phone when I'm mentioned on IRC. I don't want to run an IRC ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar