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Questions tagged [color]

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1 vote
3 answers

RGBA to hex color converter with color merging

I'm trying to compare the colors of different websites. One website states its colors with RGBA and has for example rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55) on a white background. I would like to convert the result into ...
2 votes
1 answer

Color blindness simulation

In order to check the perception of color choices, I'd like to be able to simulate color blindness for people with normal eyesight (me, basically). My goal is to weaken / worsen / decrease the ...
0 votes
2 answers

Any Open Source Android utility that allows me to easily identify a color in a picture?

I need the ability to open a picture up in Android and have something identify a color from that picture, giving me the hex value of the pixel. This is pretty simple. I need this so I can take ...
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0 answers

Recommendations for a jQuery or Bootstrap color picker with custom palette management

I'm looking for a jQuery color picker that allows users to create and manage their own palette of preset colors. Specifically, I need the following features: Users should be able to create and save ...
1 vote
2 answers

Accessibility colour contrast calculator for Linux like Colour Contrast Analyser

On Windows I regularly used Colour Contrast Analyser for determining how well websites meet visual accessibility guidelines, however I have now moved to Ubuntu, and am looking for a tool that will ...
2 votes
1 answer

Software to change all the colours in an image at the same time (based on the colours in another image if possible)

Years ago I had some software that would take your image and recolour it according to the colours in another image. I can't remember what it was and anyway it probably wouldn't work on current OS. But ...
2 votes
2 answers

Software that turns color pdf to grayscale

I'm looking for a software that turns several color PDF (around 1000) to grayscale or black & white. Do you have any recommendations?
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0 answers

Drawing software for distributing colors randomly to colored areas according to designed color sets with given probability distributions

I was wondering whether there are any coloring software for computers that allow you to: divide part of the drawing area into sections divide colors into sets assign probability distributions for ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there a digital color meter for Windows similar to the macOS app?

As a macOS user - I'm used to there being a native digital color meter to snag / inspect the RGB colors on screen so I can match things from the web / documents or slide decks. I'd prefer a native / ...
-1 votes
1 answer

color blindness simulator

Can I simulate color blindess in real-time? The found some software but it doesn't do it real-time. I thought about turning down the saturation of a single color but I'm not sure if it has accurate ...
7 votes
3 answers

Screen filter for colorblind

Is there a software that could help the colorblind by either filtering certain colors from the (computer) screen or modifying them in such a way as to make them more visible or distinguishable? I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a standalone color picker utility that uses this style of a colour picking dialog?

I have come across a few programs that use the dialog from the below screenshot, its a single dialog with 5 tabs, first 3 tabs contain a different colour wheel, last 2 tabs consist of colour swatches. ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to change different shades of colors to one color only on specific parts of a photo?

I have photos of people that don't have a single background color behind them. I would need to redo it completely white. But, since the color has a bunch of different shades, I can't simply fill it. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there an alternative to grc (CLI output colorizer) for Windows?

I'm wondering if there's any Windows CLI tool that can easily colorize popular command output, such as log file contents and some commonly used CLI commands like ping. I'm looking for something that's ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there any online tool to auto-adjust images for colorblind people?

Is there any online tool that can process an image so a colorblind person could distinguish colors on it? Everything Google gave me was colorblind vision simulators, but I actually need the opposite. ...
1 vote
2 answers

Brightness adjuster to make cycling between dark and bright windows bearable?

Problem description Most of the time my workflow consists in a black window (terminal or text-editor) and a white one (web browser), so any brightness level is either too dim for the dark windows or ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I overlay numbers of RGB of an image on the image itself by using software?

any available software or libraries to help me do this automatically? The result will be like a RGBmap overlaid on the image itself. I mean to display all the pixels with their own numbers(values) of ...
0 votes
0 answers

A library for C# that compares colors from webcam feed

I want to write a program that can grab a frame from a webcam feed (usb webcam), takes a color sample from a specific coordinate, compares to a previous frame or specified color, and then takes an ...
3 votes
4 answers

Windows software to reduce maximum brightness (not overall brightness) displayed?

My eyes are hurting from computer use. I use dark colors when possible, but some applications only use bright white backgrounds. They are resulting in physical pain to my eyes. I have turned my ...
1 vote
0 answers

Folders organizer FREE

I am looking for organizing software for folders, that can color-coded icons with different colors. I want to organize my desktop with color-coded system for my documents, but don't want every time ...
4 votes
2 answers

Where to find Qt5 color schemes?

A few months ago, I began to fall in love with dark themes & tried to apply them everywhere I could. I eventually ran into the need to theme Qt5 applications, since they don't follow native ...
1 vote
0 answers

Web-app to convert RGB or hex colors to Delphi Tcolor values

Please recommend a web-app that will convert RGB or hex colors to Delphi Tcolor values. I've gone through over a dozen web-app color converters, and none I have found can convert to Delphi Tcolor ...
1 vote
1 answer

Image viewer with color management?

I usually use XnView MP as a reference viewer, since I thought Windows Photos and LXImage-Qt doesn't support it. However, I ran across this test today. It seems that XnView MP doesn't support color ...
1 vote
0 answers

color picker that returns named colors

I'm looking for a color picker that will enable me to have CSS color names of any pixel of an image that I point at. I mean the program has to somehow approximate the pixel data to convert the actual ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to determine what exact color an app is using?

I need to verify what exact color an app is using on a specific element. I want color values in RGB and/or hex. I can make a screenshot and send it to a PC. Best would be an iOS or macOS app, but ...
7 votes
2 answers

Software to generate all layout possibilities within a set of color

Is there a software that generates all possible color combinations for a specified layout? For example, I'm designing a website layout and I have a color palette. I want to see all the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Web app to extract all colours of an image

Does a web-app exist where I can upload an image, and all the colours used in that image are analyzed and displayed for me to use, with a sample next to the colour? Requirements: free web-app upload ...
2 votes
1 answer

What software to use if I want to visually identify the colors of a picture on the color wheel?

Let's say I have an image and I want to know the color composition or scheme of it. I could use the color picker tool to select the colors but what I really want to see is all the colors being ...
3 votes
0 answers

Color calibration tool for Linux

I need to calibrate my laptop screen. But doing this with some picture from the internet in my browser (which I don't trust in terms of colors) and having to fiddle with xrandr settings in the shell ...
0 votes
0 answers

To do list software with collapse, coloring and endless nesting

Current I am using Notepad++ with custom syntax highlighting to have a to do list which supports the following: Nesting Collapsing scopes Colors to indicate status Clickable URLs It works pretty ...
4 votes
0 answers

ICC Color profile for colorblind (deuteranomaly)

I have deuteranomaly, and am looking for an ICC profile or dedicated piece of software which could modify the intensity of the colors green and red. My intention is to use this on my PC which runs ...
0 votes
1 answer

Utility that can search an image for a specific RGB code?

I'm trying to find a utility that can search an image for a specific RGB code and then highlight the exact pixels with that color code. I can only find utilities that will tell me the RGB code if I ...
0 votes
0 answers

Free tool for RGB PDF separation into R, G, B?

Can i separate RGB PDF into three color's pdfs using LaTeX or GS or any other free tool? As fas as i can see, it's quite possible for CMYK (tiffsep/gs), so what about RGB pdfs? I mean "any PDF" ...
1 vote
1 answer

Simple Linux application converting between colors and hex codes

Can you recommend a simple Linux application that shows the color given a hex code and returns the hex given a color? gpick comes close by showing the hex code of a picked color, but it does not seem ...
2 votes
0 answers

Very customizable and mobile friendly javascript color picker

I'm implementing my own user interface for a home automation server in HTML and JavaScript and I need a color picker for lighting fixtures. The problem with all existing color pickers I saw is, that ...
2 votes
3 answers

HSLa tool with paste support of hex/rgba colors

This following HSLa tool is genius as unlike all similar tools I encountered, not only it gives you a brightness hierarchy (y axis), but also a hue variant (x-axis) hierarchy. I went through some ...
0 votes
1 answer

Software App to make a transparent outline box?

I need a program to do this: Basically, its just a program.exe file that does the following: Has a Exterior border Translucent inside Its sort-of-similar to Desktop Coral in terms of function. ...
5 votes
1 answer

Software to extract colors from images

I'm looking for software that is able to extract the major colors of an image. It should basically be an alternative to the online Color wheel by Adobe where you can upload images and extract the five ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a free video converter that allows you to adjust color settings (filters) like brightness, contrast, and gamma?

Is there a free video converter that allows you to adjust color settings (filters) like brightness, contrast, and gamma? I read Free, lightweight, all-in-one, audio and video format converter (well, ...
1 vote
0 answers

Software that temporarily makes all monitors look more red/orange when you click a button?

I don't mean a program that calibrates the monitor. I use a computer monitor + my laptop at the same time I'm looking for a windows desktop program that you click a desktop shortcut and the program ...
0 votes
2 answers

Color management tool for Windows

I am looking for a program that can help me to manage my preferred colors. Sometimes I found some nice colors and I would like to be able to save them, to be able to use them later when I need them. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Pixelart/Sprites color mapper/changer utility

I would like if there is a tool useful to change an image's colors (intended for bi-dimensional game sprites) with the following criteria: Overall purpose: I have a specific sprite set from a website....
1 vote
0 answers

UX theme patcher that works for Windows 10 Insider Preview build 10656?

Scenario I frequently use 3rd party themes to personalize the look of Windows OS. To apply a 3rd party theme (in its full functionality meaning as Explorer colorization) need to patch some windows ...
4 votes
2 answers

Syntax highlighting for python output?

When using R in the console, one can use the package colorout to highlight R outputs. Does there exist such a thing for Python output? I am mostly interested in: easily distinguishing commands lines ...
6 votes
1 answer

Object color search engine: Find physical objects of a particular color

I market a product with color #2A4095, and want to give it a product name using the name of an object that has the same color. So, I want to find what objects (flowers, fruits, cloth, human objects) ...
2 votes
0 answers

Tool to list all the colors used in my stylesheets?

I'm trying to cleanup the colors used on my Ember.js project so I was wondering if there is some good tool around to list all the colors used in my stylesheets? I'm using LESS, so any tool with LESS ...
2 votes
2 answers

Linux GUI for quick browsing of CMYK separations of multi-page PDF?

Is there a free/open-source application that runs on Linux, where I can specify a multi-page PDF as input, then specify a page number, and then obtain a rendering of that page in color - as well as ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a 'generic colouriser' port for powershell?

I'm using 'generic colouriser' aka grc or grcat on Linux. I'm searching for a similar tool that can be used with powershell. Most implementations are not as powerful as grc. Here are some examples: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Free software for painting cartoons

I would like to paint pictures of characters on PC (Windows 7). I need a software which lets me change the color of (for example) hair with just one click. In other words, I would like to change all ...
4 votes
0 answers

Java library that provides a Mac OS X-style color picker?

Is there a library/SDK/etc. that brings the Mac OS X color picker to Java? I think it's the best color picker out there, so I'd love to use it in my cross-platform applications.