Questions tagged [chromecast]

The tag has no usage guidance.

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Independent of chat-integrated slide-casting app for Linux & Windows

I'd like to slide-cast a slide set of mine to some people, with whom I'm going to have a Skype conversation. Now, I'm using the 64-bit Skype for Linux beta, which doesn't have screen-casting; ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Mirror desktop Firefox tab to Chromecast

It is easy to display a Google Chrome tab's content on a Chromecast projector. But how to do with Firefox? Requirements: Display just one tab, not the whole screen Free Works on Linux (at least ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Amazon Video To Chromecast from Android

I'm trying to find any app that can cast the amazon videos to my chromecast. For some strange reason, I have been unable to find such an app. Casting from the browser is ok, but I would like to do ...
Ashoka's user avatar
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Stream Youtube videos via WD My Cloud (as Proxy) to ChromeCast or Apple TV

Background: I stream a lot from Youtube through ChromeCast and Apple TV and and I'm trying to reduce Bandwidth. I own a WD My Cloud 3 TB on the same network. Ideally, I want videos to be ...
lprsd's user avatar
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Android camera to display on Chromecast

I have an Android phone with a camera. I would like the image from the camera to be displayed on my Chromecast, which is plugged in to a TV. ie using the phone as a webcam/IP camera. This could be ...
vclaw's user avatar
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Media player with specific features

The features I want the Media Player to have are: Seek bar video player like in YouTube Can go next and the previous video without closing the program and add a playlist Chromecast connect to TV ...
Mohamed Mohamed's user avatar
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Is there any (paid) software that can receive Google cast from video streaming apps (such as Netflix)?

Many mobile video apps have a "Cast" option (e.g. Netflix) built-in, which allows them to stream the video to a Google Chromecast. I am looking for software that could function as a Cast ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
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Android application to stream local MKV videos to chromecast with subtitles

I have a bunch of .mkv videos and subtitles files on my Android tablet and I want to cast them to my chromecast. I am looking for a video player to cast them. VLC is able to play all the videos ...
Fabich's user avatar
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Cast camera and mic from mobile device (Android or iOS)

Is there an app that will enable casting (to a TV in another room on the same WiFi network in our case, but that's not relevant) of both the camera view and the mic's audio? Imagine casting from a ...
OsakaWebbie's user avatar