I am looking for a collaborative way of collecting and annotating images, with a low cost of entry for users. The use case I have in mind is as follows:
Together with a few friends I am interested in a certain topic. We encounter images related to that topic and would like to store it somewhere, add the source, tag it with keywords, and be able to retrieve the images + tags + source easily later. We currently use a shared WhatsApp group, but retrieving images with the related information is quite terrible.
- Multi-platform (mobile and Windows at least)
- Very easily accessible
- Retrieval of images possible in a common format (e.g. storing keywords in the IPTC keywords field and the source in the IPTC description)
Things I've tried
- Tropy, but collaboration is not supported
- Pinterest group boards, but the images + annotations are impossible to get out.
- Google Forms, but using image uploads requires that the users are signed into Google (not always the case)
tag. By "mobile" do you mean a typical Android/iOS/other app, or a web-app (an app that runs within a web browser), or either?