Please recommend a Linux (Debian / Ubuntu / Mint) application to quickly store tens of thousands of web browser bookmarks outside of a web browser. Key requirements:
- Able to store at least 100000 URLs and their corresponding site's titles.
- Have a mechanism to prevent duplicates.
- Store the date each URL/title pair was added.
- Some sort of import functionality, even if it is cumborsome.
- Open-source.
- Gratis or under 20 €/$ for a lifetime license.
- Save all data locally.
- Fast to load. No big bulky database apps please.
- Able to quickly accept clipboard content containing 20+ URL/title pairs. The clipboard content can be adjusted ahead of time to any reasonable format, but ideally will be something simple and obvious like:
Software Recommendations Stack Exchange
Charity Ratings and Donor Resources | Charity Navigator
The Rainforest Site | Click to Save The Rainforest
As a bonus, the ability to add a short note for each URL/title pair would be nice, but is not required.
The data needs to be viewable in some fashion. A flat list is fine. A basic text search would be a nice bonus, but not required. More advanced search/filtering is welcome.