I am looking for an editor for a blog site and time to time the users need to insert and later on also edit tag into the post. But in a way that the script actually works.

Does any editor allow users to insert and save working tag? Something like TinyMCE. https://www.tiny.cloud/blog/source-code-editing/ I do not like their pricing structure. Quill would be the best choice for me but https://github.com/quilljs/quill/issues/128

Note that I am selling subscription to the site so I am not sure if I can use CKEditor 5 because of GPL 2+


I did my research and explore

  1. tinyMCE - 1000 loads per month might not be enough
  2. quill - does not support inserting of tag
  3. trix - does not support inserting of tag
  4. editor.js - finding out if it supports inserting tag
  5. brackets - finding out
  6. ContentTool - looks promising. But I am not sure about the UI. Looks bit complicated for my target users
  7. CKEditor - finding out if it supports insering tag
  8. Froala - pricing
  9. summernote - finding out
  10. Pell - not developed anymore??
  11. jodit - finding out
  12. suneditor - finding out
  13. ProseMirror - finding out


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