I would like to load RDF HDT (Header, Dictionary, Triples) files in a Rust application but haven't found any library that supports this. Before doing it myself or asking others to add it to their RDF libraries, I wanted to ask if there have been any existing efforts to load HDT with Rust.
Where I have unsuccessfully searched:
- https://www.rdfhdt.org and https://github.com/rdfhdt (mentions C++ and Java)
- https://crates.io/search?q=rdf%20hdt (only result is rdftk_io, which lists HDT under "TBD")
- https://github.com/oxigraph/rio
- I found an archived prototype HDT library at https://github.com/timplication/hdt-rs (update: now available anymore).
- a new implementation could use the front coder library available at https://crates.io/crates/fcsd
- https://crates.io/crates/terminus-store uses a format "based on HDT"