I am using xamarin and looking to parse checks for customers on the device. I need to pull the number at the bottom of a check and parse the account and routing numbers. I cannot find a good library for this, do any exist?


  • Works in xamarin
  • No internet connection
  • Extracts and parses the account and routing numbers
  • Are you looking for something available at no cost or is there a specific budget you're wanting to adhere to? Commented Apr 22, 2021 at 15:42

1 Answer 1


Leadtools has NuGet packages for Xamarin for reading MICR text from checks. (www.leadtools.com/sdk/ocr/micr). We support both MICR text recognition, as well as parsing the routing number, account number, and other information from the recognized text string. We even have a demo created specifically for reading checks in our "sample projects for Xamarin" package (LEADTOOLS Xamarin Projects 21\Examples\MicrDemo). As a disclaimer, I work for this vendor.

Here’s the minimal code you should need to recognize the text and parse the values:

using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs()){
    IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.LEAD);
    ocrEngine.Startup(codecs, null, null, null);

    BankCheckReader micrReader = new BankCheckReader();
    micrReader.OcrEngine = ocrEngine;

    micrReader.MicrFontType = BankCheckMicrFontType.E13b;
    using (RasterImage image = codecs.Load(filename)

    foreach (var value in micrReader.Results){
        if (value.Key != "Signature")
            Console.WriteLine($"{value.Key}: {value.Value.Text}\n");

MICR demo screenshot

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