For example, I have cheap 1 euro Chinese thermometer like this
and I want to make a graph of the temperature depends on the time of the day. This cheap device does not have any integration with PC/Phone, no USB input/output, no Bluetooth, nothing. It has just battery and a digital screen.
Ideally, I would like to point the web camera to this device and get the data as CSV or text format table with 2 columns (datetime and temperature) with predefined time intervals like every 10 seconds. Is there any software/website which can do this via OCR or Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning? I tried to use some web-based OCR and it does not work well for this kind of device and also it can do OCR of 1 image, not the interval OCRing.
Of course, I can buy the device which can give me a nice graph, data in any format via Bluetooth/wifi/USB Cable, etc., but it will cost like 50$ and I do not want to spend this money :) Yes, I want to spend 1$ and get the same results as for 50 :) Webcam and PC I already have.
Another reason, that I want to have a generic solution, which will work with most of the devices, that I do not need to buy 50$ device every time I want to measure something. Today I need a temperature, tomorrow I will need humidity, after tomorrow maybe voltage in 230 V socket and see if it changing over the day to complain to the electricity provider, etc.