You could try Gnat Programming Studio ( which is an IDE which supports Ada, C and C++ (and more)
Like all IDEs, you can create projects and debug them, but you can also load executables directly. If the path of the sources match the source on the disk, it will work with a default project, which describes easily in a pseudo-Ada file:
project Default is
for Source_Dirs use ("src");
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Main use ("main.c");
for Languages use ("C");
end Default;
It has a graphical gdb interface and a graph display similar to DDD / Eclipse (depends on the versions), and Windows native version (no Cygwin). You can also type commands directly in the gdb console.
The showcased version is the professional edition, but the free version is released yearly and gets the pro features, just a little later.
In the screenshot below, I have tried graph display n
which is a structure of my program.
typedef struct node_
struct node_ *next;
int v;
} Node;
It may not be what you want (since it looks more like Eclipse debug), but it used to look very much like DDD before (and they probably thought it was obsolete). I'll investigate more to see if the old graph display is still available, in the meanwhile you have a free/relatively lightweight debugger that doesn't require an Eclipse setup.
EDIT: you can also try the previous release of Gnat Programming Studio downloadable here:
select x86 (32-bit) and year 2017 (in 2018 they removed the graph display, bummer)
My example is a bit of a mess but with some work (using "dereference pointers" wisely) you could achieve something.