I was asked to build a content and file management web-app for a client. Let's say that this client is a talent agency, and they want to keep track of their stars. For each star, they want to have a modular page with different categories, notes, file uploads, profile photo and biographical stats, etc. They also want a separate page for recruiting future stars. These pages are similar to their own talent, but with slightly different categories and content.
Instead of starting from scratch, I was thinking to piggy-back on an existing open source framework. For example, "stars" could be mapped to "customers" in a CRM, and "potential stars" could be mapped to "leads". But using a CMS or CRM framework may have limitations such as inability to rename sales terms to my specific application.
super-users can set content-specific permissions for other users (for example, some users shouldn't see the contract details of the stars, while every user can see the headshot and short bio)
basic stats or rankings over all stars
filter and text search of stars (for example, males of a certain age)
Each "star" or "potential star" needs to have a file repository that can be tagged (for example, "concert poster" and then a PDF with tags and notes)
must be customized, so that if it's a CRM solution, it should say "potential stars" and not "leads"
users must be able to add/edit new content with versioning history
software should be open source and we should able to host ourselves
So far I've looked at traditional CMS like Wordpress, Django CMS and some CRM like SuiteCRM, SugarCRM. I've also looked at some DAM (digital asset management) systems, but so far it seems like a need a hybrid of CMS, CRM and DAM. And finally, it's not open source, but something like Evernote would work, if a developer could build static forms and pages that the users then contribute to. I'm not opposed to build it from scratch, but I want to give the customer some options.