Many a website refers to specific centralized remote resources. I.e. resources not hosted from the domain (or subdomains) of said website. Examples of this are Google fonts served from Google servers (mostly gstatic.com). And Bootstrap-based websites (bootstrapcdn.com) seem to be further offenders in that regard.

Are there any user scripts (TamperMonkey and friends) or extensions that allow me to substitute such remote fonts with locally cached/stored ones or even redirect to a proxy that I set up? The browsers I use mostly are Chromium-based browsers and the most recent Firefox versions.

The reason I want this is because of the privacy implications of using those remote resources from centralized services and because many websites look bad if one simply blocks remote fonts, for example. And yes, I realize that gstatic.com is cookie-less, but that doesn't mean that they don't get all kinds of fascinating and "useful" (for them, not me) metadata I'd rather not want them to have.

uBlock Origin and uMatrix allow me to assume control over what I want to block or allow, but they don't provide a remedy for remote fonts (or scripts).

  • 1
    Just to stress: while uBlock Origin does block such resources, it does not substitute a replacement (i.e. what's blocked won't work). A partial solution would be DecentralEyes, which substitutes some (but not all) resources. As it (unless I missed that in its configuration) e.g. doesn't substitute fonts, I just leave it as comment here (might be a partial solution until someone comes up with a real one; please ping me then, I'd be very interested in that, too).
    – Izzy
    Commented Oct 25, 2018 at 14:13

1 Answer 1


Check out Decentraleyes:

  • Loads most popular CDN files locally (no remote requests are made for jQuery, Bootstrap, etc.)
  • Can block requests for any missing CDN resources (i.e. JS, CSS, Font files)

Websites have increasingly begun to rely much more on large third-parties for content delivery. Canceling requests for ads or trackers is usually without issue, however blocking actual content, not unexpectedly, breaks pages. The aim of this add-on is to cut-out the middleman by providing lightning speed delivery of local (bundled) files to improve online privacy.

• Protects privacy by evading large delivery networks that claim to offer free services.
• Complements regular blockers such as uBlock Origin (recommended), Adblock Plus, et al.
• Works directly out of the box; absolutely no prior configuration required.

Download for Firefox, and Chrome


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